Mini Savory Cheesecakes

The cheese cake is one of the most elaborate recipes in confectionery. It is very easy to make, it does not have an oven and it is very tasty. It can be decorated with berry jam or caramel. But we want to show you a different recipe, we are going to make mini savory cheesecakes.

Mini cheesecakes with salmon

Walnuts and salmon are what give these cheesecakes a different and special flavor. And, in addition, they are prepared in a moment. Pay attention.


  • 250 g of cream cheese (Philadelphia type).
  • 125 g of Old Amsterdam cheese.
  • 4 gelatin sheets
  • A handful of walnuts
  • 2 slices of smoked salmon
  • ½ apple
  • A splash of oil
  • 4 slices of sliced ​​bread
  • 50 ml of liquid cream


Mini savory cheesecakes

  1. Soak the gelatin sheets in cold water, adding them one at a time. Leave them for a while to hydrate.
  2. Grate the Old Amsterdam cheese with the coarsest grater.
  3. Peel and dice the apple. Sauté them with a little oil and when they are golden brown, add the cream and then the soaked gelatin sheets.
  4. In a large bowl, mix the cream cheese with the grated cheese.
  5. Add the cream, apple and gelatin mixture and stir the mixture well, which should be a little runny due to the heat.
  6. Using a tall, round cookie cutter, cut out a piece of sliced ​​bread, place it on a plate and fill it halfway with the apple-cheese mixture.
  7. Top with some walnuts and a little smoked salmon and finish topping with cheese. Garnish with a walnut and refrigerate.
  8. Instead of a cutting ring, a silicone muffin tin can be used.
  9. Once cold, they are removed from the mold and served as an aperitif or for dinner.

Mini cheesecakes with crackers


  • 200 g of Philadelphia cheese
  • 250 g of ricotta cheese.
  • 50 ml of cream.
  • 4 gelatin sheets
  • 100 g of crackers
  • 80g butter
  • Salt
  • Pepper
  • Stuffed olives (or whatever you want to use for stuffing)


  1. Soak the gelatin sheets in cold water.
  2. Crush the crackers into crumbs and mix them with the softened (not denatured) butter in the microwave.
  3. Stir well so that a uniform paste remains and cover the bottom of some muffin molds, compacting well with the help of a spoon.
  4. Put in the fridge while preparing the filling.
  5. Heat the cream and dissolve the drained gelatin sheets in it. Reserve.
  6. In a bowl mix the ricotta, Philadelphia cheese, salt and pepper to taste. Mix with a paddle mixer on low speed or with hand paddles.
  7. Add the cream with the gelatin and the olives or whatever is going to be filled, mixing well to form a uniform mixture.
  8. Distribute the filling on the bases that were in the refrigerator and smooth with the help of the edge of a spoon.
  9. Put in the fridge for at least 1 hour before serving and decorate to taste.

Simple mini cheesecakes

Mini cheesecakes with tomato

Ingredients (for 8 tarts):

  • 250 g cheese spread
  • 200 ml whipping cream
  • 45 g sugar
  • 3 gelatin sheets
  • One cookie per tart
  • Melted butter (about one piece per tart)


  1. Hydrate the gelatin sheets in cold water for 5 minutes.
  2. Grind the cookies and mix them with the melted butter. Make a paste and distribute a little in each mold.
  3. In a saucepan, put the cream, cheese and sugar. Bring to a simmer and stir until well mixed.
  4. When hot but not boiling, remove from heat and add the drained gelatin. Stir without stopping until it dissolves perfectly.
  5. Pour the mixture over the base and chill in the fridge.
  6. The next day, cover with walnuts or a little jam and carefully unmold them.

As you can see, they are three very simple recipes to prepare. The result is delicious and surely with these mini cakes you can surprise your guests. Give them a try!

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