Homemade Shampoos And Masks To Detoxify Hair

To detoxify hair, it is not necessary to resort to chemicals or expensive treatments. In fact, there are homemade methods that can be very effective in combating the effects of pollution, solar radiation and other environmental factors that directly affect the hair and reduce its vitality.

When hair begins to look dull and generally unsightly, this is the ideal time to perform a detox.

What is hair detoxification?

From-time-to-when-it-is-necessary-to detoxify-the-hair-to-look-healthy.

By detoxifying the hair, dirt and traces of pollution and other unwanted elements are removed. Thus, detoxification helps to remove not only dirt but also the traces of fat that common hair products tend to leave behind. On the other hand, when a hair detoxification is carried out, it is the ideal time to apply other treatments that are desired, whether they are hair strengthening, growth, straightening, etc.

¿ C How to detoxify The hair ?

Currently, there are many methods that can promote hair detoxification. Many are even exclusive to spas and beauty centers. Of course, I understand that not everyone can access these options, we propose other alternatives.

They basically consist of taking advantage of the properties of some natural ingredients that clean and protect the mane from the roots.   Here we present you the best homemade recipes.

Clay and aloe

Ingredients :

  • 1/2 cup of bentonite clay powder.
  • 1/2 cup of pure aloe vera gel.
  • 4 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar.
  • 1 cup of apple cider vinegar.


  • First mix bentonite clay, the aloe gel and the 4 tablespoons of vinegar have you ta obtain a smooth paste.
  • Apply below the mixture on the scalp and hair.
  • Put on a shower cap and wait to between 20 and 30 minutes. Assured rate that the mask is not drying.
  • Then rinse the mix with the cup of vinegar.
  • Lastly, wait 2-3 minutes and rinse with your regular hair cleaning products.


Clay removes minerals and toxins from the hair thanks to its strong negative electromagnetic charge. Aloe gel contains nourishing properties as well as antioxidants that keep hair healthy. In this way, you can use this bentonite clay recipe once every two weeks to detoxify your hair.

Sodium bicarbonate



  • 1/2 cup of baking soda.
  • 3 cups of hot water.


  • To start, mix the baking soda in hot water and set it aside.
  • Rinse to hair until completely damp.
  • After pouring and the mixture of baking soda and water over t u hair.
  • Work it well and massage t u scalp for a couple of minutes.
  • Finally rinsed to Y to condition to to seal the detox.

See also: 5 natural remedies with baking soda that you will like to know


The hot water will lift the s cuticles hair related , allowing a deep cleaning action. In the same way, the b Sodium icarbonate removes oil buildup, dander, and chemical buildup from t u hair and scalp. Therefore, you can use this baking soda detox once a week or once every two weeks, depending on the tendency of your hair (dry or oily).

Apple cider vinegar


  • 1/4 cup of apple cider vinegar.
  • 2 cups of water.


  • To start, dilute the apple cider vinegar with the two cups of water.
  • Wash Y to condition to t u hair as usual.
  • Finally, I poured and the vinegar diluted in t u hair and do not rinse it s more.
  • P can s rinse hair with apple cider vinegar once a week or once in two weeks.


Clean apple cider vinegar t u hair without stripping its natural oils. This is one of the easiest ways to detox. t u pel or. However, t works better when you use s rinsing after using natural sulfate-free shampoos.

Shampoo and sea salt



  • 2 parts of coarse sea salt.
  • 1 part shampoo.


  • In principle, mix the sea salt and the shampoo.
  • Then gently massage the hair into a lather.
  • To finish, rinse with lukewarm water.


This exfoliating mixture of salt and shampoo removes dead skin cells and cleanses the hair of chemical buildup. Therefore, this shampoo is ideal for detoxifying hair once a month.

Honey shampoo


  • 1 tablespoon of raw honey.
  • 3 tablespoons of distilled water.
  • Essential oils of your choice (optional).


  • Start by adding the honey to the water and mix until well combined.
  • Then moisten the hair and work the mixture.
  • Concentrate on t u scalp and work it to the ends.
  • As a conclusion, rinse With warm water.
  • Optionally, can be rinsed  the honey shampoo with Apple cider vinegar .


L honey is moisturizing and therefore maintains the  soft and hydrated hair. After the initial transition period from chemical to honey shampoo, you will notice  what her hair  it will be strengthened.

Coconut milk shampoo



  • 1/4 cup of coconut milk.
  • 1/3 cup of Castile soap.
  • 2 capsules of vitamin E oil.
  • 15-20 drops of fragrant essential oil (optional).


  • In principle, mix the ingredients and save them in a shampoo bottle.
  • Next, moisten the hair and work the mixture as you would s with t u daily shampoo.
  • Finally, concentr ate on the scalp and spread the mixture from the roots to the ends.


AND This blend contains high levels of antioxidants and protein. In addition, Castile soap is an effective cleaner that will remove the accumulation of harmful substances . Change t or normal shampoo for this homemade coconut milk shampoo  Y   you will notice a favorable change in a matter of a few weeks.

Cucumber and lemon shampoo


  • 1 large lemon
  • 1 medium-sized cucumber.
  • Essential oils (optional).


  • It begins p pouring the cucumber and lemon and chop them in Little pieces.
  • Mix the ingredients with an essential oil of t u choice.
  • Finally, use this mix as you would your usual shampoo.


    The citric acid in the lemon cleanses your scalp while the cucumber cleanses it. refreshes . This is the perfect blend for people with an oily scalp, as it gets rid of it and also the  dandruff. In turn, it promotes hair growth.

    Also, it doesn’t take much to give your hair the care it deserves, so you can try this list of homemade shampoos and masks until you discover which one you like the most and works best for you. On the other hand, they can also be alternated with each other, since being made up of natural ingredients they are very versatile.

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