Does Your Relationship Have A Future?

When a relationship stagnates and one of the parties loses passion, we must be brave and learn to let go, because otherwise we will not be able to be happy again

Does your relationship have a future? Is he really the person you want to be with? Why do you find yourself stuck in our relationship? Relationships are sometimes worn out by various circumstances. The problem is that, on many occasions, we are afraid to make a decision.

Perhaps we know that our relationship has no future, but we prefer to deny it. Maybe the comfort, the fact of getting used to a certain life … Or maybe the fear of uncertainty: What happens when your relationship has no future?

Does your relationship have a future?

Does your relationship have a future? Discover some tips to guide you and get a better idea of ​​the situation.

1. You have a constant feeling that something is wrong


You have a constant feeling that something is wrong. It is a sensation that produces great discomfort. We notice that something is not right, but we prefer not to delve too deeply into what it is, just in case. Many times this will happen because you realize that your partner is not being as honest as they should be with you. At other times, the constant conflicts will make you suspect that you are failing in some aspect that you do not want to be aware of.

It is not a question of blaming the other, but of being sincere and trying to find a solution so that well-being and harmony reign in the relationship. Being with someone uncomfortable is not the best of sensations. Perhaps the time has come to think about whether your relationship has a future.

2. You constantly prove your worth

When a relationship has no future, sometimes one of the members begins to feel guilty because, even giving everything, does not perceive its fruits. It is in these moments when we must open our eyes the most. Sometimes we try to show how much we care about the relationship, what we would be willing to do to keep it afloat… But how is your partner acting?

If you are the only one who pulls, the one who when you stop trying, everything goes downhill, the relationship can’t go on. When one of the two gives more and the other does not give anything, the real problems begin. It can be one of the unmistakable signs that your relationship has no future.

3. Your intimate life is unsatisfactory


You may find it superficial. However, that your intimate life is no longer as full as it was before, shows that there is a problem. You may find that you want to try new things. Everything to try to keep the flame of your love alive.

However, that passion is rekindled is a matter of two. A flame cannot be kept alight if only one of the members of the couple watches over it. Conflict may have taken a toll on your sexual relationships. Whether you like it or not, if they have not been resolved, they will always be present in your mind. For this reason, it is always necessary to talk about things, not let them be forgotten and hope that they disappear on their own.

4. You have stopped being who you were

Do you feel that you have stopped being who you were ? Everything you were when you started this relationship is in the past. Now, you have become a stranger even to yourself. You may think that this is so because your partner no longer treats you the same as before. However, perhaps you should think about whether you treat yourself as you deserve.

You have put aside everything that motivated you and made you happy. You forgot everything that filled you and made you feel that it was you, only yourself. If you feel this way, perhaps it is time to step back and meet again with that person that you should never have left aside. There is only one person who will always be with you and that is yourself.

We are saddened by the idea of ​​having to end a relationship that has made us so happy, but has now caused us to feel lost and somewhat disoriented. However, when things get complicated, when you don’t even know who you are, when arguments are the daily bread, it is time to change things.

Ignoring problems, not confronting them and hoping that everything will solve itself will be a waste of time. When your relationship has no future, it is the perfect time to change course. You may have to be brave to rethink certain things.

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