Tips To Lose Belly Fat

The abdominal fat surrounds the vital organs and is located under the muscles. In addition, this fat is more closely related to different diseases such as diabetes and different types of cancer.

To reduce abdominal fat, it is important to increase physical exercise, strengthen abdominal muscles, and follow a diet plan. In turn, we must eradicate bad habits, such as tobacco and alcohol.

Diet and dietary tips to lose belly fat

Subsistence allowance

To lose abdominal fat, it is important to be aware of the amount of food you eat and the calories it contains. In addition, you should include natural ingredients such as:

  • Fruit.
  • Vegetables.
  • Whole grains.
  • Extra virgin olive oil raw.
  • Lean proteins (preferably from chicken or turkey meat without skin).
  • Fish.

In turn, it is important that you minimize or avoid, as much as possible, the consumption of simple carbohydrates :

  • White bread.
  • Refined pasta.
  • Carbonated drinks.
  • Precooked foods.
  • Sweet.
  • Saturated fats.

Keep in mind that the intake of sugars in beverages has been shown to be especially harmful to health, increasing the risk of metabolic, liver and cardiovascular diseases.

What vegetables are the most recommended?

You can add vegetables such as:

  •  Asparagus. They act as a diuretic, so they allow us to relieve water retention. This will help us reduce inflammation and bloating in the stomach.
  • Cucumbers. They are said to help reduce fluid retention and create a feeling of satiety, thus preventing us from overeating. This is due to its water content. This liquid generates a reduction in appetite when consumed before meals, according to a study published in Clinical Nutrition Research.
  • Kale. It is said to help keep blood sugar levels constant because it is rich in vitamins A and C. This can help prevent increased cravings that only give us empty calories.

It is also advisable to use cooking methods such as boiled, steamed, broiled, baked, and poached. Also, it is preferable to  avoid fried foods and sauces.

Likewise, it is essential that you get used to drinking a lot of water, at least two liters a day. In addition to hydrating the skin and the body, it helps to eliminate toxic waste and maintain a good intestinal transit and an adequate weight.

We advise you to create a deficit of 500 calories a day. Thus, it is possible that you  reduce about a kilo of fat a week.

Recommended exercises to lose abdominal fat

Running woman

Along with the diet, a combination of resistance exercises and aerobic training should be performed. This  is the best way to reduce belly fat.

This has even been corroborated by a study published in the medical journal Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise,  which concluded that training with high intensity exercises could be more effective in reducing abdominal fat in obese women with metabolic syndrome .

While the evidence is still limited, these findings help support the conclusions of other studies done previously. For now, if it is about reducing abdominal fat, it is advisable to take it into account. 

Aerobic / Strength Training

  • Maximize your cardio sessions with activities like walking or running.
  • Start with a moderate activity, like riding a stationary bike for a walk. After a few minutes, increase the resistance and the intensity of it, placing it in rise mode.

Between both activities you must spend a minimum time of 30 minutes.

  • Start with a strength-training exercise, like sit-ups.
  • After completing your abs, alternate with an intense type of cardio. For example, you can run, jump rope, or jump.

We recommend doing these intense cardio and stomach toning exercises for at least 30 minutes. Other strength work like weight lifting will also help. They manage to improve muscle tone and increase energy expenditure at rest.

Abdominal exercises

Woman doing sit-ups

Exercises that focus on the abdominal region help improve muscle tone and the appearance of the area, thus improving turgor.

Take care of diet and exercise to lose fat

As you can see, this diet and exercise plan to lose fat that we propose is not very difficult and you can do it at home. If you are constant, you will immediately notice results. Keep in mind that it is important to restrict your intake of ultra-processed foods and alcohol to achieve this goal. Both elements are capable of affecting metabolic health, which makes it difficult to lose weight. If you have more doubts, put yourself in the hands of a specialist so that they can help you in this task.

Image courtesy of supersum (off)

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