7 Preventive Measures Against Stroke

Stroke or stroke occurs when the blood supply to a region of the brain becomes poor or cut off. As a consequence, neurons  they can end up damaged or even dead . To avoid this, these are some preventive measures against stroke.

According to a study published by the Revista de Neurología , the population group with the highest risk of suffering a stroke is men, although women become much more prone as they age.

In fact, according to the Revista Española de Cardiología , this disease is the first specific cause of death for women in Spain . What does it consist of? How to reduce the risk of suffering from it? Find out!

What is stroke?

Stroke is a  cerebrovascular disease that affects the blood vessels that supply blood to the brain. A stroke occurs when a blood vessel ruptures or is plugged by a clot or other particle.

As an article in the MSD Manual details, due to this breakdown or blockage, part of the brain does not get the flow of blood, oxygen and glucose it needs. The consequence is that the nerve cells in the affected brain area do not receive oxygen, so they cannot function and die after a few minutes.

Which are the risk factors?

Cigarette, skull and coins.

Most cases of stroke are preventable. To do this, it is necessary to adopt lifestyle habits that reduce risk factors to a minimum. According to the MSD Manual article cited above, the most common are the following:

  • Hyperlipidemia: high cholesterol levels are one of the main risk factors for stroke.
  • Smoking:  according to the Spanish Brain Damage Federation, different studies point to nicotine, oxidizing gases and carbon monoxide that make up tobacco as the culprits of the direct relationship between smoking and increased risk of stroke.
  • Diabetes: This disease increases the risk of suffering a stroke, especially type 2 diabetes.
  • Advanced age: three-quarters of strokes affect patients over 65 years of age, according to a study published in Anales del Sistema Sanitario de Navarra.
  • Having high blood pressure: High  blood pressure is the risk factor that contributes the most to predicting stroke.
  • Consume alcohol in excess.
  • Family inheritance and race : the risk of suffering a stroke is greater if someone in the family has suffered it.

Preventive measures against stroke

Taking into account the risk factors involved, focus on those that are modifiable to reduce the risk of stroke. Thus, some of the main preventive measures against stroke are:

1. Eat a healthy diet

Mediterranean diet

As detailed by the World Health Organization, a varied and healthy diet, especially focused on foods with little salt and low in fat, contributes to the prevention of diabetes and heart disease, among other conditions.

For this reason, fruits, vegetables, and whole grain cereals, in addition to fish, cannot be missing from a meal plan. It is advisable to consult with a nutritionist to obtain a specific diet for the needs of each person.

2. Play sports

A study published by Neurology in 2012 indicates that it is important to exercise regularly to reduce risk factors for stroke. It is enough if it is a moderate activity; in fact, walking for an hour a day is sufficient,  although intense exercise or sports could enhance these benefits.

3. Monitor the tension

Blood pressure should be kept within the limits considered healthy, as hypertension is one of the main risk factors for stroke.

4. Check cholesterol

On the other hand, having healthy cholesterol levels is key to avoiding a stroke. The Spanish Heart Foundation details that high levels of cholesterol – hypercholesterolemia – are considered to be those higher than 200 mg / dl.

According to a Mayo Clinic article, if we have high cholesterol, we must resort to diet, exercise and, in some cases, taking medication. This, of course, should be evaluated by the doctor.

5. Check your sugar levels

The amount of sugar in the blood must also be within healthy values ​​and recommended by health authorities and specialists. In the case of diabetics, the treatment must be faithfully followed so that there are no episodes of hyperglycemia.

6. Reduce alcohol consumption

Alcohol consumption should be moderate and even completely avoided in cases where there are one or more risk factors for having a stroke. 

7. Stop smoking

Giving up tobacco use is among the essential requirements to avoid suffering a stroke. While this is a challenging process for many people, there are publications such as Smokefree – published by the National Institute of Health – that provide valuable advice and assistance in accomplishing this purpose.

Preventive measures against stroke: habit is key

Remember that a healthy lifestyle significantly reduces risk factors for this disease. Therefore, proper nutrition, frequent exercise, and the reduction or elimination of tobacco and alcohol consumption significantly improve the probability of avoiding a stroke.

All are actions that demand a daily commitment. Beyond the medicine that the doctor can recommend in any particular circumstance, the effort of each individual to live healthier is what will really make the difference.

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