Brewer’s Yeast, Ally In Health And Beauty

Brewer’s yeast is a food rich in vitamins and minerals that can provide certain health benefits. Also, due to its purifying action, it is recommended for some dermatological conditions.

Brewer’s yeast is a nutritional supplement that is made from the dehydration of a fungus found in beer fermentation vats.

It has numerous properties that can be beneficial for health, since it is a food very rich in vitamins and minerals, as this publication of the Spanish Foundation for the Development of Animal Nutrition points out. Therefore, as indicated in this article published in The Pharmaceutical , it can be a good beauty supplement for skin and hair.

This is because it has trophic activity (growth stimulant) and purifying action in various dermatological conditions, as this research published in Anti-Aging Medicine points out.

Main properties of brewer’s yeast

In addition to the various properties that are beneficial for human health, there is also some research that determines that feeding with brewer’s yeast provides great benefits in the growth and development of certain animals, such as this study carried out by the Juan de Castellanos.

Beer yeast

For this reason, we always advise going to the corresponding healthcare professional and avoiding lifestyle modifications without having previously consulted with him.

  • First of all, it is high in protein and essential amino acids.  Sometimes it is especially recommended in vegetarian diets, also because it contains vitamin B12.
  • In addition, it is high in iron,  so it can be beneficial to reduce anemia.
  • It is also rich in vitamin B,  a vitamin that lowers transaminases, tones the liver and helps regenerate tissues.
  • It has a recommended amount of  chromium, a mineral that regulates glucose levels. It can be suitable for diabetics and for people who suffer from anxiety about eating sweets.
  • It is also a good source of other minerals (potassium, phosphorus, magnesium, sulfur, calcium, copper, zinc, selenium, and molybdenum). Zinc is believed to be a good hormonal regulator, so it is recommended especially during adolescence and menopause, although there are no scientific studies to prove it.
  • Finally, it is high in folic acid. This is very good for women who are pregnant, or intending to become pregnant.

These nutritional values ​​can make brewer’s yeast a good cleanser and toner. Therefore, it is possible that it may be beneficial in growth stages, pregnancy, postpartum and lactation, since, as indicated in this study published in the journal Nutrition Hospital , moderate consumption of beer provides certain health benefits. Also, for athletes, convalescence, etc.

Likewise, there is a popular belief that states that thanks to the B vitamins it could also be a good strengthener of the central nervous system, which is why it can improve cases of depression, anxiety, stress, apathy or lack of appetite. But, as we say, there is no evidence to indicate that this is the case.

Skin and hair care

As has already been mentioned in the publication of El Pharmaceutical , at the skin level, beer yeast could also act as a cleanser, regenerator and remineralizer. And it shows certain benefits in cases of skin problems such as dermatitis, psoriasis, acne or stretch marks, and even after having suffered burns or surgical interventions.

Given this, we always recommend in the first instance to go to the dermatologist in case of suffering any of the ailments mentioned above so that he can give a correct diagnosis and treatment with a medical basis.

It is also said that, in addition to taking it, we can apply it topically and  make  an ideal mask for dry skin with yogurt, honey and brewer’s yeast. We apply it on clean skin, leave it for 20 minutes and rinse with water, with this the skin will look hydrated and luminous. But, as we say, it is best to go to the dermatologist, since there are no studies to prove it.

In the case of hair, its content in vitamins of group B and proteins is possible that it improves its growth and can prevent, in some cases, its fall. In addition, it can also help us to regulate an excessive secretion of oil on the scalp. In this sense, and given that at the moment there are no investigations that demonstrate this, it is best to go to the specialist health professional to advise us correctly.

Brewer's yeast with flakes

How do we take it?

Brewer’s yeast is a natural supplement that can be taken throughout the year, although it is especially important in spring and fall.

We can consume it in powder, mixed with juice or yogurt, or in tablets, if we do not like its slightly bitter taste. Some brands market it debittered to soften its flavor. If we take it with meals, there may be an improvement in the assimilation of its nutrients.

In short, and as we have been saying throughout this article, we strongly recommend consulting with a doctor before taking any supplement  and, in this case, before taking brewer’s yeast to improve any ailment.

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