10 Tips To Permanently Eliminate Chronic Mucus

Hydration is essential to reduce chronic mucus. We should drink at least two liters of water a day to thin the mucus and prevent its accumulation.

People who suffer from chronic mucus should know that there are many natural tips that they can follow not only to relieve it, but to eliminate it permanently, acting on the cause that generates the mucus.

While it is true that the first thing a person suffering from chronic mucus should do is visit the doctor, there are 10 tips that –according to popular wisdom– can greatly contribute to relief, when included in a lifestyle. healthy.

What Causes Chronic Mucus?

We can all suffer from mucus from time to time, related to a cold, the flu, or a seasonal allergy. Generally, this discomfort can appear to young and old alike at any time in life.

Thus, children also tend to accumulate mucus very easily, and with them it is even more important to prevent naturally, to avoid unnecessary risks to health.

The causes may be related to diet and lack of hydration, so these should be the main objective when starting a treatment.

However, those who suffer from it chronically should investigate what may be the cause to end this annoying disorder. The doctor is the person in charge of making an effective diagnosis that can be complemented with these natural and easy-to-perform remedies.

One of the possible causes behind chronic mucus can be sinusitis.

Woman with sinusitis

10 tips to remove mucus naturally

According to popular wisdom, in addition to following your doctor’s instructions, to remove chronic mucus naturally, you can opt for the following.

1. Eliminate dairy

Dairy is one of the foods that it is advisable to temporarily eliminate from the diet. And it is believed that the protein present in milk, known as “casein”, could be the cause of increased mucus in the respiratory tract.

For this reason, traditionally, it is recommended to avoid dairy products in general until you get relief, however, do not go to the extreme – unless your doctor tells you to – you can simply reduce the amount of dairy consumed between daily, for a few days until you notice an improvement.

Note : Mayo Clinic experts indicate that drinking milk does not increase the amount of phlegm, but rather its density.

2. Reduce the flours

Although this cause-effect relationship is not as popular as the previous one, in the popular sphere it is said that refined flours can also cause an accumulation of mucus in the body, since they cause excess humidity.

In general, it is recommended to reduce the consumption of refined wheat flours and replace them with whole grain flours from other cereals, such as oats, rice, spelled, rye or buckwheat.

3. Drink more water

To eliminate chronic mucus naturally and avoid accumulation, it is recommended to drink two liters of water a day, on an empty stomach and outside of meals. In this way , water plays an important role in the elimination of mucus, since it makes it more liquid and therefore easier to expel.

If we find it difficult to drink water, we can have sugar-free lemonade and medicinal teas.

Discover: 3 fruit drinks to hydrate yourself

4. Season with spice

Spices like cayenne pepper and ginger are said to be excellent natural expectorants. Therefore, it is advisable to include them in the diet, in moderation, to take advantage of their benefits.

5. Expecting essential oils

Lemon essential oil

Some essential oils are said to help relieve chronic mucus and congestion. For this reason, traditionally there are many people who use them – diluted in water – to get relaxing massages in the chest and back area.

There are also those who pour a few drops of essential oil into a diffuser to place it in the room and thus create an air freshener-humidifier-expectorant effect to promote relief.

Essential oils are said to be applied to the skin mixed with a base vegetable oil (olive, almond, coconut, sesame). Some of the most recommended would be:

  • Pine tree.
  • Fir tree.
  • Lemon.
  • Niaouli.
  • Eucalyptus.
  • Ravensara.

Discover: Prepare a natural ointment to decongest the respiratory tract

6. Mustard and flax plaster

According to popular wisdom, to relieve congestion caused by chronic mucus in the upper airways, the following plaster of red mustard and flax can be used on the chest.


  • 1 part flax seed.
  • 2 parts of mustard seeds.
  • Hot water (the necessary amount).


  • Mix the seeds (always 2 parts mustard to 1 part flax) with hot water to make a paste.
  • Apply on the chest and cover it, first with a linen cloth and then with two woolen fabrics.
  • You let it act for a minute maximum and you withdraw it.

7. Application of ginger

Just as infusions are prepared to drink and thus relieve chronic mucus, in the popular sphere, it is also said that, instead of drinking the infusion, it can be used as a tonic …

  • Make a concentrated ginger infusion.
  • Put a dry towel along your back and traps and put a wet towel on top of the infusion.
  • Cover it with another dry towel and let it act for 5 minutes.

8. Onion on the table

5 home remedies with onion to relieve cough

The onion on the bedside table trick is part of the grandmother’s pharmacy and for that very reason, it is very popular. It simply consists of taking a fresh onion, cutting it into several pieces, placing it on a plate on the bedside table.

While onion is generally said to help fight infection that has caused chronic mucus, what onion actually does is keep the room moist and this in turn will help relieve discomfort. 

9. Hand taps

According to beliefs, this technique helps to expel chronic mucus. Specifically, it is said to help “loosen” mucus from the bronchial tubes and airways in general.

Put your hand concave, in the shape of a pan, and go hitting both your chest and upper back with soft, quick and dry strokes for a few minutes.

10. Expecting infusions

According to grandmothers, there are several expectorant infusions that could help relieve congestion and other discomforts. Some of the most recommended are:

  • Garlic.
  • Cinnamon.
  • Fennel.
  • Ginger.
  • Green anise seeds.
  • White eucalyptus (consumption is not recommended for children).

Note : It is not recommended to consume any herbal remedies with medicinal plants without the authorization of the doctor, since they could cause interactions and other discomfort.

Ready to get rid of the snot?

As you can see, there are several options with which you can get rid of snot naturally. You can apply them along with medical treatment, if the professional authorizes it.

Remember that in addition to applying these tricks and taking your medications, you must maintain a balanced diet and adequate hydration to be able to notice a real improvement.

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