Purify Your Kidneys With Parsley Water

Parsley water is a natural drink that can be easily prepared at home. It has a mild taste, so it is not difficult to incorporate into the diet. 

There are those who claim that this drink can support kidney health, since it would help purify the kidneys naturally. However, there is no scientific evidence that this is so.

What is certain is that this drink can supplement daily hydration and, through this, support kidney health. As is well known, without good hydration the kidneys cannot function properly.

Parsley :, a food that contains vitamin C

Along with coriander, bay leaf, rosemary and basil, parsley ( Petroselinum sativum ) is one of the most used herbs in the world when cooking, as it helps to highlight the flavor of food and, in addition, makes the dish have an exquisite aroma.

According to experts from the Spanish Nutrition Foundation (FEN), fresh parsley has many more properties (and flavor) than dry. Therefore, it is recommended to use it more often naturally, as fresh as possible.

Additionally, they indicate that it is a source of protein, fiber, calcium, iron, potassium, vitamin A, thiamine folates, flavonoids, myristicin and apiol.

  • For every 100 grams of edible portion, parsley would provide 190 milligrams. This is the reason why it cannot be singled out as a rich source of this nutrient.
  • Due to its content of flavonoids (which have antioxidant action and therefore reduce the effect of oxidative stress), it is said to be a food that can support the health of the entire organism.

Parsley water recipe

Parsley water

Remedy 1 to purify the kidneys

Parsley water can be prepared in a number of ways. The most basic of all is simply to add fresh parsley to the water and add a few drops of lemon to it, to give it some lemonade flavor. However, there are those who prefer not to add lemon juice but peppermint and a touch of honey.


  • 1 liter of water.
  • Fresh parsley (50 g).
  • Optional: drops of lemon juice, spearmint, honey.


  • Wash and drain those sprigs of parsley well.
  • Heat that liter of water and, once it reaches a boil, add the 5 tablespoons of this plant.
  • Let it infuse for 15 to 20 minutes.
  • Then turn off the heat and let it rest for another 20 minutes.
  • Strain, serve and consume at the moment.

Consumption mode

  • It is said that after straining the content, you should drink a first glass of this drink on an empty stomach. The following, 15 minutes before meals. In this way, it is believed that digestion and the correct absorption of nutrients can be facilitated.
  • Parsley, as you already know, has a very intense flavor that is not always pleasant. If you need it, you can sweeten this parsley water with a little honey.

Remedy 2 to cleanse and optimize kidney function

Parsley can be an ingredient to make healthy juices.

According to popular wisdom, the more lemon juice you add to parsley water, the more antioxidant content it will have, which will be beneficial to the entire body.


  • Fresh parsley (10 g).
  • The juice of ½ lemon.
  • 1 glass of water (250 ml).


  • Heat a glass of water, add the parsley and let it infuse.
  • Once the liquid is warm, add the lemon juice.
  • Stir with the help of a spoon to integrate everything well.
  • Strain the content and serve. 
  • Sweeten with a little honey if you wish.

Contraindications of parsley

  • It is not appropriate to drink parsley water in case of kidney stones.
  • Also, do not consume this drink if you are pregnant or breastfeeding.
  • It is also not advisable to drink this parsley water if you have peptic ulcers or suffer from gastritis.
  • It is not advisable to give parsley water to babies and children under 15 years of age.

Parsley water is preferable to an industrial soda

In addition to refreshing, hydrating and stimulating urination, natural drinks (such as parsley water) can provide a certain feeling of well-being and help avoid the consumption of industrial drinks, which can be harmful in the case of having grit or kidney stones .

Natural drinks and home remedies are NOT a substitute for the treatment prescribed by the doctor. The most advisable thing is to consume them as an adjuvant treatment (as long as the healthcare professional authorizes it).

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