Frequent Mistakes When Taking A Shower

Although it seems more hygienic, we should not overdo the use of soap, since it eliminates the acid mantle of the skin and can favor the entry of microorganisms

Taking a shower is one of the greatest pleasures that can exist. That no one can deny. But, without realizing it, we can make many mistakes that reduce its effectiveness or do not allow us to meet the objective of sanitizing ourselves properly.

In this article we will tell you what are the frequent mistakes when taking a shower so that you know them and avoid them. You will be amazed!

Did we bathe badly?

The World Health Organization (WHO) has drawn up a kind of decalogue for a good bath. And although it is not exactly called that, it could bear that name.

For example, they have indicated that the perfect shower should not last longer than 5 minutes or spend more than 100 liters of water. However, those with access to the bathroom seem to ignore these directions.

Women spend the most time in the shower. And, in addition, they usually bathe every day when it is advisable to do it every other day. Pay attention to other mistakes we make when entering the tub:

Use very hot water

It is true that when it is very cold outside or we come home after soaking in the rain, all we want is to take a very hot shower. However, it is not the best according to WHO doctors.

Use very hot water

The water must be warm at any time of the year so as not to dry out the skin or damage the hair. Approximately 30 ° C is optimal. Although we cannot put a thermostat or thermometer in the bathroom, we could indicate an intermediate parameter between hot and cold to know if we are correct.

Choosing a poor quality shampoo

Sometimes we see offers in the market and we buy a product that is far from good. We must pay attention to the type of hair we have and its specific needs  (for example, if we dye, if we have dandruff, if we lose our hair, etc).

Beyond the brand or the cost, we must choose the shampoo and conditioner for their composition. For it to really take effect, it must be used for 6 months continuously.

On the other hand, we should not be mistaken in thinking that the 2 in 1 is an ideal option to take less time in the shower. When these products are mixed they don’t do their job the right way.

Only when you go on a trip and want to take up less space in your suitcase could you afford the use of this type of cleaning item. Not at home.

Choosing a poor quality shampoo

Take a long time to dry

When we finish bathing we turn off the tap. And we may be left tidying the tub or letting the water drain from our body on its own. In that time, the ambient temperature will drop and this can have consequences for our health, such as catching a cold.

The best thing would be to dry off with a towel inside the cabin and then get dressed, without waiting too long. We must avoid going out to put our clothes in the room, since the change from heat to cold or drafts can be harmful.

Using too much soap

We believe that the more foam through our body, the cleaner we will be. What a mistake. Some perfumes and soap components not only remove harmful bacteria, but also “sweep away” the acid mantle on the skin.

What is it for? Nothing less than to be a natural protection against viruses or any microorganism that wants to enter through the pores.

It is therefore recommended to use soaps that are free of perfumes and, if possible, not to use too much. A little is enough. Some brands offer a formula ” syndets ” (synthetic detergent, or “soap without soap”) to respect the hydrolipidic layer that covers the epidermis.

Using too much soap

You must also be very careful to rinse off soap or shampoo well, as it can cause irritative dermatitis, allergies or even dandruff.

Use sponge

They are very gentle and can help exfoliate the body. However, they are also a hotbed for germs. In the case of wanting to use them, each one in the home has their own.

If there is any skin lesion, dermatitis, peeling or any other skin problem, it is recommended to buy a new sponge.

Detangling hair in the shower

Women often take advantage of the fact that they are bathing to comb their hair. Did you know that this results in the strands becoming weaker and more opaque and brittle? In addition, you will be wasting a large amount of unnecessary water.

Once you get out of the shower, brush your hair while it’s still wet. And to dry it better, use the towel. Try not to leave the bathroom with very wet hair because you can get sick. And much less go to the street right away!

Bathe many times a day

Some people repeat bathing two or more times each day. In the morning to wake up, in the afternoon after playing sports and at night before going to bed. That is not good even if it is hot or we are really all sweaty.

Bathe many times a day

In the event that there is no other alternative, the showers must be as fast as possible and with very little soap. If possible, don’t wash your head every time.

Ignore difficult areas

The back, toenails, heels or elbows are areas that we usually “pass by” when we bathe. Always having a good brush on hand to reach all areas of the body is vital . This way we will prevent bacteria from proliferating, the skin from looking neglected or diseases from occurring.

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