Recommendations To Have Beautiful And Strong Nails

Hands are like everyone’s cover letter. They are in charge of giving a good or bad first impression and therefore it is necessary to take care of them and keep them healthy. Nails have become one of the most aesthetically important parts of the body.

Today women worry every time about having their nails neat and perfect, but… What happens when they are not as healthy as we would like? Today we will share with you some simple and practical tips to regain safety when displaying your hands.

You must bear in mind that this area of ​​the body does not like humidity. They also dehydrate easily, do not withstand contact with harsh chemicals and dry out excessively at extreme temperatures. quite hot or quite cold . As a consequence, it is important to dry your hands well after having contact with water, constantly moisturize with creams, and wear gloves when interacting with chemicals.

Tips to strengthen our nails


Lemon and garlic remedy

This remedy, as such, is not scientifically proven. However, there are some properties of these compounds that are and that can help improve the condition of our nails or protect them. Garlic has been shown to have antimicrobial properties, as we can read in this research: Antimicrobial properties of Allium sativum (garlic) .

Likewise, lemon is a citrus fruit with antibacterial and antioxidant properties, as we can read in the article Antibacterial and Antioxidant Activity of Essential Oils from Citrus spp .

To have healthy and strong nails, place grated lemon in a nail hardener and apply it daily for best effects. The garlic added to the glaze is also very effective to strengthen them, therefore it can also be used by crushing it and mixing it with lemon.

It is recommended that this balm be applied at night, since when it comes into contact with sunlight it can cause spots on the skin.

Almonds oil

Almond oil serves as a moisturizer. It can be applied to the cuticle to remove it or it can be applied hot to accelerate growth. Olive oil also has great benefits in their health; it is an excellent moisturizer and if applied with sugar it can be used as an exfoliant.

Although almond oil has traditionally been widely used topically for its emollient, anti-inflammatory, and moisturizing properties, there are not many published scientific studies that scientifically support it.


On the other hand, the ingestion of milk helps the hardening of the nails and the calcification of the bones, according to the Good Clinical Practice Guide on Functional Foods. Milk, along with lemon, also has aesthetic properties. If you want to remove stains or bleach them, you can immerse them in a glass of milk for five minutes and another five in a glass with lemon juice.

Salt, oil and lemon

To recover the humidity of the nails you can perform a homemade exfoliation treatment based on salt, oil and lemon. Actually this oil also benefits its hardening; you should mix kitchen salt, lemon drops and a little oil.

You must apply it through gentle massages. However, to give strength and flexibility to this area, you can use olive oil or the content of a vitamin E capsule. Olive oil has shown to have important antioxidant properties, as well as other specific properties on the skin, as we can read in the article “Properties of olive oil in maintaining skin integrity”, by Pedro Carrillo.


The use of enamels works as a protector of the nails, but at the same time they have a negative factor. This affects the spots that may appear on them. Therefore it is advisable to constantly change the enamel and give them a break.

As expected, all parts of our body have benefits provided by the food we consume. In this case, to have healthy nails it is advisable to consume brewer’s yeast and red fruits, which are foods rich in vitamin B.

Another tip is that to enhance nail care it is recommended to consume wheat germ, walnuts and flax seeds, since they have Vitamin E and Zinc. These two components are essential for nails to look showy and elastic. On the other hand, mollusks are rich in zinc and iron, providing keratin necessary for the nails.

Five keys to healthy and beautiful nails


  1. Hydrate. Constantly take care of your hands with moisturizers and nutrients to avoid dryness.
  2. File. Filing them constantly prevents them from breaking and strengthens their finishes.
  3. Use hardener base. This step is important before applying the polish. With this you avoid stains and dryness, prolonging the shine and life of your nails.
  4. Look after. It is essential not to cut the cuticles, since this procedure can cause infections. For this, it is recommended to remove the cuticle by pushing it towards the base of the nails with an orange stick and moisturizing with oil or cream.
  5. Spend time taking care of your hands and nails. For this, apply Vaseline at night and massage for two minutes. Then you can put on gloves allowing them to hydrate throughout the night. You will see that little by little they look more beautiful and cared for.

Nail care, like that of our entire body, is essential and there are many simple, homemade and inexpensive options that we can find to do so. We must take care of and preserve the well-being of each of the parts of our body … of our being.

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