How To Make Pumpkin Juice With Cinnamon And Its Benefits

Pumpkin juice with cinnamon is a pleasure for the senses and a delight for your health. Today in our space we want to propose that you introduce into your diet this anti-inflammatory and vitamin drink that you will love to discover.

Pumpkin juice with cinnamon, a drink with properties

One of the most important possible virtues of this drink is its anti-inflammatory power. Something as simple as combining pumpkin juice with cinnamon could help us on those days when we feel bloated, have a stomach ache or when we suffer from fluid retention.

Multiple vitamins

  • Pumpkin pulp is incredibly rich in beta-carotenes and vitamins B1, B2, B6, C and E, as well as minerals such as potassium, phosphorus, calcium, magnesium or iron.
  • Adding a pinch of cinnamon will help us increase the contribution of B vitamins, necessary for energy metabolism, according to a study published in the journal “Current Drug Targets.”

Cinnamon stick

Benefits for the liver and kidney

In addition to fighting inflammation, this pumpkin juice has some diuretic power. If you suffer, for example, kidney stones or suffer often from heavy digestion, do not hesitate to start the day with this natural remedy. By improving hydration you can help prevent this type of pathology.

Also, if you suffer from fatty liver, you could include this drink in your usual routines, in addition to adjusting your diet. In this way you will improve the contribution of anti-inflammatory substances and, with it, liver health.

Cinnamon contains polyphenols with antioxidant and anti-inflammatory character in its composition. These could help prevent and reverse (along with appropriate pharmacology) some chronic diseases, according to a study published in 2016.

Take care of our cholesterol level

If your cholesterol levels are out of balance or you have been recommended to improve your diet, you could also include this natural remedy.

Thanks to its antioxidants and its contribution of vitamins and minerals, we will fight against the oxidation of LDL lipoprotein that could cause cardiovascular disorders.

Pumpkin juice against cholesterol

We improve digestion and avoid constipation

This drink also acts as a mild laxative. It is a light tonic while vitaminized capable of helping to clean our intestines, reduce the appearance of stomach ulcers and facilitate the proper digestion of food.

You will love to discover how good it feels to your body if you start taking it every day in the morning. Therefore, we invite you to take note of its preparation.

How to make my pumpkin juice

pumpkin juice

We have two ways to prepare this cinnamon pumpkin juice. Do not hesitate to carry out the method that you like the most or the one that is easiest for you.

Option 1. Ingredients

  • 200 ml of coconut water (1 glass).
  • 1 cup of cooked pumpkin pulp (125 g).
  • 1 teaspoon of ground cinnamon (5 g).


  • In this case we are going to include the pumpkin pulp itself to try to get a drink that, although somewhat thick, stands out as a healthy remedy thanks also to that glass of coconut water.
  • What we will do is liquefy everything with the help of the blender. Get a very homogeneous mixture where that teaspoon of cinnamon is not lacking. Drink in the morning.

Option 2. Ingredients

  • 1 pumpkin
  • 5 g of ground cinnamon (1 teaspoon).


  • The first thing to do is to find a fresh, organically grown pumpkin that has a good color. What we are going to do is bake it.
  • To do this, we will start by cutting it in half. Then set the oven at 160ÂșC.
  • The important is that Also place a baking sheet on the lower rack to collect the cooking juices.
  • Once you see that the pumpkin is already soft, remove it and let it cool.
  • The next step is simple: we will take the pulp of the pumpkin and put it in a strainer in a large bowl.
  • Next, with the help of a spoon, we proceed to press the pulp against the strainer so that the juice goes to the bowl.
  • Finally, we mix the cooking juice with the one we have obtained with the strainer.
  • This water obtained is what we will drink in the morning by adding that teaspoon of cinnamon.
  • It is light as well as delicious.

Introduce this drink into a healthy diet

You must remember that this juice does not have miraculous properties on its own. It constitutes a good supply of antioxidants that it makes sense to introduce within the framework of a varied diet. To do this, reduce your intake of simple sugars and refined flours and increase your intake of fruits and vegetables.

We also recommend combining correct eating habits with regular exercise. In this way you can guarantee a correct state of health and reduce the risk of developing diseases in the medium term.

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