9 Quick Dinners To Lose Weight

What to eat for dinner when you follow a diet to lose weight? In this article we show you examples of quick and light dinners that you can easily prepare and that are perfect for your weight loss diet.

The importance of dinner when dieting

Being on a diet does not mean skipping meals or limiting ourselves to dishes based only on vegetables and proteins. In fact, this is a very common mistake in those who follow diets to lose weight quickly, such as the so-called ” miracle diets “.

Indeed, to follow a healthy diet that allows us to lose weight progressively and with stable results, it is advisable to follow a balanced diet, which contains all the necessary nutrients, as recommended in this study carried out by the Reina Sofía University Hospital of Córdoba (Spain).

In addition, we must increase the frequency of meals. The ideal is five a day, but less copious.

On the other hand, do not forget that by eating a balanced diet you are directly taking care of your health.

Vegetable soup

Therefore, we should not avoid having dinner. It is an important meal that prepares us to face the long fast of the hours of sleep. Therefore, we will allow our body to rest better and consume energy properly while maintaining vital physiological functions when sleeping.

What should a dinner be like when we want to lose weight?

First, to prepare suitable dinners for a weight loss diet, we must combine foods rich in carbohydrates (such as rice, oatmeal or pasta) with others such as vegetables and greens.

Thus, we will get a good amount of energy along with essential nutrients, such as vitamins and minerals.

Healthy dinners to lose weight

On the other hand, using meat, fish or dairy at dinner will also provide us with protein. These nutrients can also be obtained from products such as legumes or tofu, which will be especially interesting if you follow a vegetarian or vegan diet.

In short, the ideal dinner should include a half of vegetables, a quarter of foods rich in protein and another quarter rich in carbohydrates. In this way, we will get adequate amounts of all the necessary nutrients.

On the other hand, it is best to use cooking methods that require little oil. Examples of these methods are:

  • Grilled.
  • Papillote.
  • Baked.
  • Sautéed in wok.

In addition, this type of cooking is very simple and allows us to prepare delicious dishes.

On the other hand, remember that we must have dinner at least two hours before going to sleep.

Quick and light dinner ideas

Here are some examples of menus for quick and light dinners. Of course, you can vary them to suit your tastes

Dinner 1:

  • To start, arugula salad with tomato.
  • Next, grilled chicken breasts.
  • You can include 2 slices of whole wheat bread.
  • For dessert, skimmed yogurt or a piece of fruit.

Dinner 2:

  • To start, julienne soup with noodles.
  • Next, mackerel with vegetables al papillote.
  • Finally, skimmed yogurt or a piece of fruit.

Julianne soup

Dinner 3:

  • To start, green zucchini puree with potatoes.
  • Next, turkey sandwich with cheese.
  • For dessert, skimmed yogurt with muesli.

Dinner 4:

  • First, a summer lentil salad (red and green peppers, chives, sweet corn, pickles).
  • Then, aubergine omelette.
  • Finally, skimmed yogurt and an infusion.

Dinner 5:

  • To start, seasoned white asparagus.
  • Next, monkfish in the oven with potato and onion.
  • Finally, skimmed yogurt or a piece of fruit.

Dinner 6:

  • First, fresh spinach salad.
  • Then, whole wheat pasta spirals with tuna and prawns.
  • For dessert, fruit salad.

Dinner 7:

  • To start, potato salad, buds with grated carrots and bean sprouts.
  • Second, turkey skewer with pineapple.
  • Finally, skimmed yogurt or a piece of fruit.

Potato salad

Dinner 8:

  • To start with, grilled vegetables: aubergine, pepper, onion and wild asparagus.
  • Next, baked hake papillote with aromatic herbs and 1 small potato.
  • For dessert, skimmed yogurt with muesli.

Dinner 9:

  • First, chard with sautéed chickpeas.
  • Second, scrambled eggs with mushrooms and prawns with 1 egg.
  • For dessert, fruit salad.

In conclusion…

If the goal is to lose weight, skipping dinner is not an option. Although it was long thought that this “saved” calories, today it is known that there are more benefits when you eat lightly hours before bedtime, according to this study by Florida State University (United States).

In addition, there are many healthy foods whose nutrients are key to the body’s processes during the rest period. The most important thing is to know how to combine them and not overdo the calories.

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