7 Effective Tricks To Remove Stains From Clothes

The difficulty of removing stains from clothing sometimes causes us to stop using certain garments. Depending on the type of substance that penetrates the fabric, it can come out with a simple wash or require an extra product for its elimination.

Although they are the number one enemies we meet at home, today there are  tricks that help us eliminate them more easily.  Thus, it is not necessary to stop wearing clothes, or spend long hours fighting stains.

Best of all, they are solutions made from natural ingredients, which are friendly to the environment and health.

In this way, you can begin to reduce the use of cleaning chemicals that, as a study published in the International Journal of Occupational and Environmental Health points out , can have adverse effects on skin and respiratory health.

First, act immediately

The first thing to do to simplify the task of removing the stain is to act immediately, that is, you  have to try to remove it before it dries. In case of rubbing it with a cloth, you should do it with great caution since, if it fades, it can affect the original color of the fabric and make the problem more serious.

Tricks to remove stains from clothes

Most of the tricks to remove stains from clothes come from popular culture and there is no evidence to support their effectiveness. However, according to their advocates, they can be helpful in facilitating this task. However, depending on the type of stain, it is more useful to use one remedy or another. We will explain how to treat the most common clothing stains.

1. Grease or oil stains

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It is normal that when cooking or eating the garments are splattered with traces of grease or oil that can be very difficult to remove. This is what you should do:

  • If it is fresh, sprinkle a little talcum powder, let it dry and then brush it with water and detergent.
  • If it has already dried, soak the garment in a mixture of two parts vinegar to one part water and let it soak overnight.

2. Coffee stains

Due to its dark hue, it is very easy to penetrate the fabrics of the fabric  and leave a stain that is difficult to remove. In this case, you should use these tricks:

  • Make a mixture of equal parts alcohol, vinegar and water and apply it to the affected area before rinsing it off normally.
  • If the clothing is white or wool, you can choose to rub a little egg yolk on it, which is also effective.

3. Chocolate stains

It is very common for children to spread their garments with delicious chocolate. Because of the dark color that it leaves, it seems to be a challenge to remove them in their entirety; however, there is no need to worry, it is not that complicated.

  • If you can act immediately, apply a little carbonated water to the affected area and rinse it off with detergent.
  • But if it has already dried, place it to soak in hot water with ordinary soap.

    4. Lip stains

    Although it is not very common for clothes to be stained with lipstick, it is good to know how to act before this in case it ever happens. Removing these stains from clothing is not difficult :

    • If it’s lipstick, you just have to rub a little Vaseline, chalk or white toothpaste on it. Let it act for a few minutes and rinse.
    • If the stain is from another cosmetic such as blush, soak it in a mixture of lemon water for an hour and then wash it off with your usual detergent.

    5. Red wine stains

    They are a headache! They stick to the fabric of clothing and it takes a lot of patience to remove them completely.

    • Before they dry, rub a little white wine on them.
    • Another option is to prepare a mixture of cornstarch and lemon and apply it as if it were a detergent.

    6. Sweat stains

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    That stain that sweat leaves on clothes is quite annoying and difficult to remove completely. Luckily, with the application of some ingredients it can be attenuated almost until it disappears. For it:

    • Make a mixture of baking soda and lemon and rub it on the affected areas of clothing.
    • Another good solution is to apply hydrogen peroxide before putting it in the washing machine.

    7. Fruit and vegetable stains

    Berries, beets, and other brightly colored fruits and vegetables can adhere to fabrics very easily. But, in this case, you can also combat stains on clothes with natural remedies.

    • Place the affected garment over a pot of boiling water. The steam loosens it and facilitates its removal in subsequent washing.
    • If the stain persists, apply some lemon juice to it and soak it in hot water.

    We can resort to various household tricks to try to remove stains that affect clothing. However, they may not work for us in all cases. Often times, multiple applications of the product are required to completely fix the problem.

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