Natural Aids For Poor Circulation

We cannot enjoy optimal health if we have poor circulation. And it is that, when the blood does not reach all the organs, systems and cells in an adequate way, the organism suffers.

It should not be forgotten that, thanks to the path of the blood and their respective nutrients, minerals, heat and oxygen, the different systems can be kept in operation.

Good circulation encourages cell development and organ function.  Poor circulation, on the other hand, can affect the health of organs such as the brain, heart, liver, kidneys and extremities.

When blood vessels lose elasticity, circulation problems occur. According to the National Library of Medicine of the United States, among the factors that we find behind poor blood circulation, the following stand out:

  • Smoking
  • Sedentary lifestyle.
  • Little fiber in the diet.
  • High cholesterol levels
  • Not drinking enough water.
  • Consume salt and sodium in excess.

Symptoms of poor circulation

There are many signals that our body can send to poor circulation. Although they may resemble other diagnoses, it is important that you pay attention to these symptoms:

  • Fatigue.
  • Edema.
  • Dry Skin.
  • Dizziness
  • Cellulitis.
  • Headache.
  • Lethargy
  • Hair loss.
  • Cold hands and feet.
  • Swollen legs
  • Night cramps
  • Irregular heartbeat
  • Tingling sensations in certain parts of the body.

Natural aids for poor circulation

Maintaining a balanced diet and, in general, a healthy lifestyle, will positively influence the health of our circulatory system. However, there are certain foods in particular that can be a good support. Of course, they do not consist of a cure as such, but of small aids for the proper functioning of our body. 



The antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties of turmeric make it a fantastic seasoning to include in meals and thus to help improve blood circulation, according to this study from the Complutense University of Madrid. This reduces the process of clot formation and the accumulation of plaque in the arteries.

Green Tea

Green tea is rich in antioxidants that relax the arteries and improve circulation. This report from the Spanish Association of Cardiology associates it with an increase in nitric oxide levels and  since it is considered a powerful vasodilator that increases blood flow.


Dark chocolate

Dark chocolate could be cardioprotective, according to this Harvard University study. Its contribution of cocoa helps promote blood flow. Eat a small piece of dark chocolate a day to optimize circulation. Make sure to choose dark chocolate with a minimum of 70% cocoa.

Ginger tea

Ginger helps the body warm up quickly, resulting in good blood circulation. This research from Isfahan University (Iran) considers that its regular consumption prevents blood clots and reduces the risk of heart disease and atherosclerosis.


A healthy lifestyle will be the key to combat poor circulation. The natural aids mentioned can be included in the diet, as long as it is kept in mind that they are not miracle cures, but an additional support.

It is important to adopt a good exercise plan and stick to it on a daily basis. Remember that a sedentary lifestyle will only aggravate problems and impair the quality of life.

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