Trick With Aspirin To Fight Dandruff

Dandruff, or pityriasis, is nothing more than the proliferation of dead cells on the scalp. This disease affects a large percentage of the population, without distinction of sex. Did you know that there is an aspirin trick to treat this discomfort?

We know that having dandruff is quite annoying as it causes a lot of itching and unpleasant shedding of dead skin flakes. In addition, in extreme cases, this condition could lead to alopecia.

Each person who has had this hair condition, or has it, has tried different alternatives to solve the problem, some more or less effective than others. However, there are no guarantees of his complete disappearance, so the battle has yet to be won.

Or can it be? Continue reading.

Trick with aspirin to fight dandruff

The effectiveness of aspirin has recently been proven to solve this widespread hair problem, so we are much closer to the definitive solution.

This pain reliever has salicylic acid among its ingredients, which has antimicrobial and antifungal properties that fight the proliferation of fungi that generate dead cells on the scalp.

In addition, the use of aspirin on the scalp will provide many benefits such as:

  • desinflammation of the area
  • itch relief
  • exfoliating effect
  • oxygenation of skin cells
  • among many others.

Eliminate dandruff with aspirin

To completely eliminate dandruff from your life, you will only have to heed these simple tips.

1. Aspirin shampoo

First of all you should choose a shampoo with the least amount of possible chemical additives and little fragrance, as this can worsen the condition.


  • 3 tablespoons of shampoo (45 ml)
  • 3 aspirin

What should you do?

  • Take three tablespoons of the shampoo, add 3 aspirin, previously crushed and powdered, and mix well. Reserve.
  • Wet the hair with plenty of water and wash with the preparation from point 1.
  • You should rub deeply, in a circular way, for five minutes. Remember that it must penetrate the hair follicles of the hair.
  • Then let the salicylic acid act for five more minutes.
  • Once the time is up, wash with plenty of water. You can use your usual conditioner or some other product to combat dandruff.

To continue the treatment properly, add three powdered aspirin to the rest of the shampoo, shake the bottle vigorously to mix well with the aspirin. You should wash your hair at least twice a week with this product.

You will feel drastic relief in the itchiness and, little by little, the characteristic flakes of dandruff will disappear.

2. Aspirin water lotion


To make this treatment even more effective, or if you think your dandruff problem requires a slightly deeper solution, try this option.


  • 9 aspirin
  • 2 cups of water (500 ml)

What should you do?

  • Add nine aspirin properly powdered in half a liter of hot water.
  • Let cool and place the lotion in a spray bottle.
  • Every night, apply the lotion from the scalp to the ends of the hair.
  • In the morning, you should wash your hair with the already prepared anti-dandruff shampoo. This treatment will be completely effective.

3. Anti-dandruff lotion

This aspirin hack against dandruff is similar to the previous one. You should use it after you have washed your hair with the prepared shampoo.


  • 3 aspirin
  • 1 cup of water (250 ml)

What should you do?

  • Dilute 3 powdered aspirin in a cup of hot water, let it cool and once the hair is washed, add this water.
  • Let it act for ten minutes and rinse again with water.

It is convenient that, before starting this treatment, you check that you will not have adverse effects. For this, it is recommended that you previously administer a small portion of shampoo mixed with aspirin on your scalp.

If after a few hours you do not feel anything unusual, then it is safe to carry out the procedure.

Recommendations to take care of your hair

  • You should comb your hair gently and frequently to stimulate cell regeneration.
  • Try not to expose yourself too much to the sun during this period, thus avoiding excessive sweating and high temperature, which can delay the result of the treatment.
  • Drink enough water. Some of the damage from dandruff is caused by dehydrated skin, so water will benefit you greatly.
  • Eat foods rich in zinc, sulfur, vitamin E, vitamin C and vitamin A. In this way, the skin of the scalp will recover much faster.

Have you been surprised by our aspirin trick to beat dandruff?

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