Why Do We Have Eye Spills?

We tell you about the possible causes of an eye effusion and what are its main symptoms.

It may be that we have ever had eye effusions that then simply disappeared after a few days. However, there are people who suffer from them frequently, which worries them.

In this article we explain possible reasons for spills in the eyes  and what to do in this situation.

Do not forget that you should visit an ophthalmologist or your family doctor to rule out any disease. If they are recurrent, it is extremely important that you consult a specialist and thus prevent serious consequences. 

What are eye spills?

Eye effusions can manifest as itching or irritation of the eye

We call an ocular effusion the manifestation of a red spot in the eye, as suggested by this information from the United States National Library of Medicine. This problem is also called “subconjunctival hemorrhage” or “hyposphagmus.”

They normally occur due to the rupture of the capillaries or blood vessels of the ocular conjunctiva. The latter is a kind of cloth that covers the entire white area of ​​the eye and in the middle of the eye spill accumulates the blood from the broken capillary. Thus, it causes the appearance of the red spot.


Although it is usually an asymptomatic situation, you may have a sensation of irritation or itching. Likewise, it is likely that you tend to tear and that the light bothers you.

Possible causes

An eye effusion can be caused by increased pressure in the eye.

  • Increased pressure in the eye.
  • The latter does not necessarily have to be serious. It can even happen from a sneeze or a coughing fit.
  • Hit in the eye.
  • Excessive intake of certain medications such as aspirin or blood thinners.
  • Arterial hypertension.
  • Blood clotting disorders (unusual).
  • It can also be common in people with diabetes.

What to do with an eye spill?

It is not something strange or serious to find ourselves with eye spills at certain times. Usually the problem goes away on its own, without the need for us to resort to treatment with pharmacological or natural drugs. This will take about 8-10 days.

It is also likely that the spill will appear in one eye and after two or three days it will manifest itself in the other.

However, we must be especially careful if we suffer from high blood pressure or some other heart condition. If so, we will see the doctor immediately. It could be a symptom of something more serious, so we won’t wait a single day and go to the emergency room.

Also, if the strokes are frequent, you should visit a doctor as well. You may have an ophthalmological or cardiovascular condition that only a professional will be able to detect.


Doctor evaluating eye of patient

It may be that you confuse eye effusions with some other type of conjunctivitis such as bacterial or allergic.

In the first case, you will realize that it can be very contagious and that it is associated with respiratory diseases, according to this study carried out by the Pedro Kourí Institute of Tropical Medicine (Cuba). Your eye will begin to secrete a watery solution and it will be difficult for you to open your eyelids in the morning, as the discharge will have dried. This type of conjunctivitis requires immediate professional care and medication.

On the other hand, allergic conjunctivitis has the peculiarity that it occurs due to sensitivity to an allergen. Whether it is dust, mites or pollen, people who suffer from it can have other associated conditions such as asthma. You will also secrete some type of discharge if you suffer from it, which does not happen in spills. 

We hope that this small dose of information has been helpful and has resolved your doubts.

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