14 Reasons Why Your Gums Bleed When Brushing Your Teeth

Gum bleeding may be due to specific issues, but if it occurs frequently, it is advisable to visit the dentist to give us a diagnosis

Do your gums bleed when brush your teeth ? This is very common and, if it has not happened to you yet, you should know that at any time it can happen .

The reasons why gums bleed can be many, but it is mainly due to improper grooming.

The mouth is usually a large deposit of germs and bacteria, so it is recommended:

  • Periodically change your toothbrush.
  • Use the floss to remove the residues that remain between the teeth.
  • Visit the dentist at least twice a year.

Although it may seem common, bleeding gums is not.  If you bite into something or you see blood when you spit up after brushing, take this as a warning that something is wrong with your gums.

Because, simply put, when you have healthy gums, they don’t bleed. Therefore, the symptom is likely to be initially ignored and downplayed. However, if you don’t pay attention to it, you may end up losing even some teeth.

Let’s know the most important reasons why your gums bleed:

1. Gingivitis

The gingivitis It is one of the main reasons why your gums bleed and the most common. It is a weakness and inflammation that occurs due to the appearance of bacterial plaque.

  • The most effective remedy for this problem is to improve your oral hygiene.

2. Lack of vitamin K

Vitamin K deficiency causes bleeding gums. Indeed,  This vitamin is essential for the proper functioning of the proteins involved in the clotting process.

3. SmokingTo smoke

If you suffer  diabetes ,  it’s normal for your gums to bleed (up to a point).

Normally, it  occurs when brushing very aggressively or with very stiff bristle brushes.

  • Make sure you brush your teeth gently and that your toothbrushes are soft bristles .
  • If in doubt, ask your dentist.

6. Bad diet

The lack of necessary nutrients as well as the absence of important vitamins such as A, B and C can cause weakening of the gums and, consequently, their bleeding.

It is important that you make sure to include a varied and healthy diet in your life . If you think this is failing you, it is time to include more vegetables and fruits.

7. Medications

Some medications

Occasionally, those with ongoing medical treatment may have bleeding gums.

This is because some bacteria tend to reproduce due to decreased salivation caused  by certain medications .

  • If you see that your gums are bleeding and you have just started medical treatment, ask your doctor or dentist if both factors are related.
  • If so, you can request a treatment change if it is too long, or wait to finish it if it is only for a few days.

8. Stress

Although it seems incredible, stress can lead to weak gums  and oral tissues and promote their bleeding due to a lowering of defenses.

Ideally, you should look for alternatives to relax when you feel that stress is taking you to the limit.

9. Missing teeth

When they are missing teeth , biting is not done correctly. This causes the incorrect friction of the teeth to affect the gums and bleed.

If this is your case, ask your dentist to make the missing piece for you with resin or the material of your choice.

10. Low defenses


The body tends to succumb to various diseases when it does not have adequate protection .

  • Therefore, some health problems such as anemia can be the cause of bleeding gums (due to increased proliferation of bacteria).

11. Lack of visits to the dentist

If the oral area is not checked regularly, there will be no quick diagnosis.

  • Therefore, going to the dentist to remove the bacterial plaque is of great importance. for your overall health.

    12. Mouth infections

    Remember that saliva is a source of bacteria transmission.  Take care of who you kiss to avoid bacteriological problems that cause inflammation and conditions in the gums .

    13. PregnancyObesity delays pregnancy

    Obesity delays pregnancy

    The pregnancy it’s one of the reasons your gums bleed. Although it is a very normal state, it can cause important changes. Your doctor will tell you what steps to take.

    14. Defective oral work

    Did you have a dental treatment and from there your gums bleed? This occurs when dentures or dental fillings have been poorly adjusted or when cleanings are done very aggressively.

    Go to your dentist to correct the problem or seek a second opinion.

    Finally, we must remind you that gum bleeding can be due to more serious health problems. Therefore, it is important that you consult your doctor or dentist for a prompt diagnosis.

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