Tips To Relieve Menstrual Migraine

Menstrual migraine is a very common condition, and it can sometimes make you unable to perform daily activities. There are remedies to relieve pain in those days.

Menstrual migraine is one of the most frequent symptoms during menstruation , both in the days before and during menstruation. The hormonal changes of that moment of the cycle make us more sensitive to pain, irritable, tired and nervous.

In this article we will give you some tips to treat menstrual migraine. These remedies can help you alleviate it and improve your quality of life.


Menstrual migraine

Menstrual migraine

Migraine  is a very common disorder in women. It can appear at any time of the month but usually becomes apparent after the first period and increases when it is just a short time before menstruation. If the symptoms begin a week before menstruation, we speak of pre-menstrual syndrome.

Menstrual migraine (as it is popularly known) is related to a drop in estrogen and progesterone levels, but the exact causes are not known for sure.

Studies indicate that 60% of women have a headache before, during, and immediately after their period. The menstrual migraine disappears at the end of the fertile cycle, that is, in menopause.

Among the symptoms of menstrual migraine we can highlight:

  • Pain on only one side of the head.
  • Vomiting or nausea
  • Increased sensitivity to light and sounds.
  • Grumpy.
  • Trouble concentrating
  • Insomnia.

Natural remedies to relieve menstrual migraine

We detail some natural remedies that are available to anyone and that could serve as a complement to the treatment prescribed by the doctor to treat the symptoms of menstrual migraine:

Niacin foods

Niacin is a B group vitamin. Eating foods rich in this vitamin may be helpful in relieving headaches. Some of them are:

  • Powdered brewer’s yeast.
  • Green leafy vegetables.
  • Whole wheat.
  • Tomatoes.
  • Sunflower seeds.
  • Walnuts.
  • Fish.
  • Liver.


Natural fruit and vegetable juices

Fruit juices freshly prepared at home provide a good amount of vitamins and minerals. In addition, they can help reduce migraines, congest the digestive organs, and thicken the blood. Among the most recommended are:

  • Grapes.
  • Cucumber.
  • Beet.
  • Carrots
  • Cabbages.


Taken as an infusion, ginger is a remedy that has been used to treat menstrual migraine relief. With a small piece or a teaspoon of this grated root is enough to prepare a tea.


Dandelion could have positive effects to reduce pain because it strengthens the liver. It also clears the airways.

Do exercise

Tips to relieve menstrual migraine

Here are some  tips and tricks to help you ease your menstrual migraine.

Do exercise

It’s true that when our head hurts we don’t really want to go for a walk, run, or go to the gym. However, we recommend that you at least go to the park to breathe fresh air and take a walk.

You can take your dog out or take the opportunity to do the shopping. The important thing is that you do not stay locked up because it is worse. Mild or moderate exercise can be very helpful.

Massage the temples

Choose any essential oil that you like the scent of and place a few drops on the index fingers of each hand. Put some pressure on the temples and massage in a circular counterclockwise motion. The aroma of the oil will help you calm down and relax. The most suitable are:

  • Lavender.
  • Mint.
  • Eucalyptus.
  • Almonds

Practice relaxing activities

It is important that during the menstrual migraine episode you are as calm as possible.

Each one knows what gives her more tranquility and calm. Some prefer to sleep, others to listen to instrumental music, and there are those who choose to do yoga. You can also meditate, do tai chi, swim, or stay reading in the shady park.

Drink fluids

Don’t forget to stay hydrated! More than two liters of water a day (including natural juices and herbal teas) is ideal. You will reduce the typical abdominal swelling that can cause headaches. If the pain does not go away, you should see a doctor to rule out other problems.

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