6 Recommendations To Avoid The Appearance Of Varicose Veins

Applying certain prevention measures on a daily basis will not only help you reduce the chances of suffering discomfort from varicose veins, it will also help you to prevent these from being noticeable on your skin.

Many people suffer from them due to genetic predisposition or hormonal factors, but there are other risk factors that can be controlled with lifestyle habits. Ready to know the recommendations to avoid the appearance of varicose veins?

But what are varicose veins? They are abnormal dilations of the veins of the body, and the most common are those that form in the lower limbs. To be more exact, they develop when the valves that regulate venous circulation stop working properly, so there are difficulties in the blood flow to return from the legs to the heart.

These dilations can be seen on the surface of the skin, mainly purple or dark blue, with a lopsided and bulging appearance. This, to a greater or lesser extent, can make the person uncomfortable, because beyond the discomfort they may feel, it also has a certain nuance of an aesthetic problem.

The more attention paid to preventive measures, the more likely it is that varicose veins will pose no more than mild discomfort.

1. Do physical activity to reduce or eliminate varicose veins

Creative hobbies: yoga.

Health experts indicate that “being in a standing position for a long time, prolonged exposure to the sun or heat, risky professions, trips that require continuous and prolonged standing or sitting, etc., are favorable factors of the dilation and slow circulation of blood in the veins ”. Therefore, sedentary lifestyle is a habit that must be left behind to avoid the appearance of varicose veins.

The regular practice of physical activity is one of the best natural remedies to prevent diseases and discomfort in general, not just varicose veins. It activates the body, helps to release physical and emotional tension, takes care of the musculoskeletal system, activates blood circulation, stimulates the elimination of toxins, and provides many more health benefits!

To enjoy all its benefits, you should spend at least 30 minutes a day exercising. And if you are going to choose only to walk, then it is recommended to do it for at least 60 minutes (in a row) a day.

Some of the most recommended would be the following:

  • Yoga.
  • Dance.
  • To swim.
  • To walk.
  • Stretching
  • Bicycling.

In case of having to remain in the same position for long periods of time, the ideal is to try to take breaks to do exercises with the legs (for example, standing on tiptoe several times in a row, walking on the heels …).

If varicose veins have already been present, it is best to avoid high-impact activities, as they can make the problem worse.

2. Wear appropriate clothing

Although it may not seem like it, clothing that is too tight prevents good circulation. By causing compression, clothing that puts pressure on the waist, legs, and groin can alter venous return. This not only increases the risk of developing varicose veins, but also causes more cellulite.

So if you want to avoid the appearance of varicose veins, avoid wearing tight clothing often and, instead, give preference to clothes that have some slack and allow you to be comfortable. Be careful, it is not about wearing excessively large garments, but to avoid as far as possible all those that can be extremely close to the body.

It should be noted that avoiding tight garments applies to pants, dresses, skirts, blouses, leggings, and many more pieces, but also for socks and shoes.

3. Avoid prolonged wearing of heels

Women who wear shoes that are too high are at higher risk for varicose veins. The pressure they cause on the feet and legs causes difficulties in circulation and blood return.

  • Ideally, your shoes should not be taller than 4 centimeters. Also, it is better if they are blunt and not too narrow at the tip.
  • Ideally, they should be ventilated, spacious and made with materials that provide a lot of comfort.
  • In case you have to follow some kind of etiquette for several hours, the ideal is to carry comfortable shoes in your bag to rest your legs at times.

4. Maintain a balanced weight

Maintaining an appropriate weight is one of the best solutions to avoid varicose veins and other health problems.

As the scientific evidence indicates, being overweight causes an overload on the ankles, legs and knees. In this way, it produces constant muscle and joint pain. It also hinders circulation, which generates a strong feeling of heaviness, tingling, fatigue and weakness. To lose weight in a healthy way, keep the following in mind:

  • Increase water consumption.
  • Consume 3 cups of green tea a day.
  • Exercise 3-5 times a week.
  • Increase the consumption of fruits and vegetables.
  • Keep track of calories so you don’t overdo it.
  • Divide the amount of meals to eat 6 servings per day.
  • Avoid consuming refined and processed foods and fast foods.

5. Change posture or stretch

Staying in the same position for a long time increases muscle tension and circulatory problems. If for work reasons you have to sit or stand for a long time, take breaks every twenty minutes or every half hour at least.

Take advantage of the breaks to move your feet, extend your legs, or do some stretching. You can also walk for a few minutes during the break. Also, avoid crossing your legs while sitting because this posture does not promote circulation or venous status.

6. Avoid cigarettes

Avoid cigarette

Smoking not only has a dangerous impact on respiratory health. Furthermore, it  leads to circulation difficulties and conditions such as varicose veins and peripheral vascular disease. Smoking causes toxic compounds to build up in the bloodstream. As a result, it thickens the texture of the blood and reduces its oxygen.

The problem is that, in addition to causing inflammation in the veins, it intoxicates the healthy cells of the body and leads to the development of various diseases. 

The best decision for health and beauty is to completely avoid the consumption of any variety of cigarette, vape or related item.

Although all these tips are just some of the things that can be done against varicose veins, it is good to apply them every day as a preventive method. If you notice that they are already appearing, you can tell your GP or phlebologist what else you could add to your lifestyle.

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