Discover The Surprising And Unknown Properties Of Gentian

Gentian is a little known medicinal plant. However, it has important digestive properties that help us regulate different disorders, such as lack of appetite or intestinal colic.

Discover in this article all its benefits and how to take it.

The gentian, a great unknown

Gentian is a plant native to southern Europe, probably the most common in all of Spain. Since ancient times, it has been used with multiple medicinal uses  (remedies, syrups, tonics, ointments, even antidote to some poisons).

The root of the gentian is the part where its powerful healing properties are most concentrated.

Health properties

Health properties

The root of the gentian is intensely bitter, a characteristic that is closely related to its digestive properties. Also, but to a lesser extent, the aerial parts of the plant can help us to remit some conditions.

Next, we review all its healing virtues.

Intestinal parasites

Intestinal parasites are a difficult disorder to diagnose and treat.

  • Although there are some drug remedies, these can have other side effects for the gut, such as constipation. However, if they have been prescribed by the doctor, we must always follow their instructions.
  • Gentian has vermifuge properties, that is, it helps us expel intestinal parasites that alter the functioning of our body.

Digestive disorders

slow digestion

Gentian stands out for its digestive properties. Indeed, it is useful to treat gastric infections, to improve appetite and to calm intestinal cramps.

  • Its function is to increase the secretion of gastric juices. In this way, it can be very beneficial for people who have difficulties digesting certain foods.
  • However, in cases of gastric or gastric ulcer it is not recommended at all, since it could aggravate the problem immediately.

We must be attentive to the reaction of our body when taking it and, if we suffer discomfort, opt for other milder medicinal plants.

Skin problems

Gentian also has healing properties on some skin problems related to flaking, such  as psoriasis or certain types of eczema.

Tiredness and convalescence

At times when we suffer from tiredness or fatigue, gentian is an ideal medicinal plant. In this case, its benefits are due to its iron content and its ability to increase appetite, tone the nervous system and combat muscle weakness.

Immune system

Powers of the immune system

A good, continuous and supervised treatment with gentian  could help purify the blood and encourage the creation of leukocytes. This can be very suitable for people with a weakened immune system and a tendency to suffer from diseases on a regular basis.

Hair tonic

The topical use of gentian, rich in zinc, can give very good results as a hair tonic to prevent and treat hair loss.

  • We can make preparations marinated from this plant in apple cider vinegar. Then we can massage our scalp at night before going to bed.
  • If we suffer hair loss due to a lack of iron in the blood, we can also take the infusion every day to complete the treatment.

    How do we take gentian?

    • The most common way to take gentian is as a medicinal infusion.  To do this, let the plant rest in hot water, but without boiling, as with any bitter plant.
    • However, we can also find gentian in the form of tinctures, capsules, tablets, etc.
    • For its topical use there are macerations in vinegar and alcohol.
    • In particular, for hair, we recommend those made with vinegar, since alcohol can be too drying and cause irritating effects. Likewise, it can also be added to our usual shampoo.

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