4 Early Signs Of Divorce That Few See

Although there are relationships that seem insurmountable, the truth is that, if we see in advance the possible signs of divorce, we can try to fix the situation before it is too late.

When two pe People marry or go to live together make a promise: they will love each other “until death do them part.” However, they do not always comply by ignoring the early signs of divorce. True love is known when each one begins to show their differences or when they are going through unfavorable situations.

At that moment, two paths can be chosen: one involves learning to love the other person despite being the opposite pole, and the other is  not accepting inequalities. It is in the latter case that the word “divorce” begins to echo between the walls of the house.

Maybe you know someone who is going through this and you think they had good times together before. The memories of your infatuation or the first years of your marriage are nothing like the times you are living today.

Then the question arises: how come they did not see the signs?  Here we tell you so that you are aware of them and avoid them in your relationship.

1. One no longer cares about the other’s feelings

In the case of heterosexual couples, we must bear in mind that we are very different and this makes us complement each other. They are related to strength, to us feelings.

Sometimes we feel so many things that they start to get confused. There comes a point where it is not even clear what we want to express. You must remember that they do not understand the hints. You have to talk to them very tactfully and explain how much certain things hurt us.

Many men, or the vast majority, start a relationship with great affection. As time goes by, they can look so confident that they forget the little details. That is why it is very important that, if you are a man, you remember to show yourself attentive and affectionate with your partner , be it wife or girlfriend.

But not only men are careless in this regard. Women are also usually very proud and want to show toughness before them, which men interpret as a show of disinterest.

Remember: it is better to avoid hints . If there is something you want to say to your partner, do it clearly, directly, and respectfully. This will lead to fluid communication based on love.

2. Early signs of divorce: you are moving away as a couple

We women are characterized by wanting to talk and tell everything that happens in our day. When something bad happens to us, we usually wait for our partner to help us. When everything is going well, we also want to share those emotions .

However, one of the early signs of divorce occurs when we no longer seek to share moments . Either your partner does not feel any kind of support from you or you feel that you are the one who is extra.

Those situations in which one of the two spends more time claiming and blaming the other for the bad things in life can be a serious problem. When this happens it is very common that you do not talk or share too many things together. If every time he watches a movie, you decide to surf the internet and they are no longer interested in spending time together, this has to stop.

What are your disagreements? It is important to detect them to know what you are going to work on in your relationship. We are sure that you will find things to do as a couple that can unite you and will rescue your marriage.

3. One unloads on the other

Couple arguing

Obviously, as a couple it is important to know what happens in our life. However, before you spend time complaining, think that the conversations and phone calls between you should generate joy.

If instead of this, they are a red flag of stress for the other, you must see the situation as one of the early signs of divorce. Remember that one of the reasons people fall in love is because of the typical calls saying: “I just saw you and I miss you already.”

Conversely, It is not at all pleasant when you call your partner and the first thing he hears are the screams of his children in the background and you claiming their bad behavior.  If you are doing this, it is one of the early signs of divorce to avoid.

Instead of yelling, learn to really listen, without thinking about other things while the other talks. It is not easy, because emotions can win, but you will see how little by little things will be resolved.

4. Fight over trifles

Letting go of an ex can be traumatic.

Another of the early signs of divorce can be arguments about nonsense. Small arguments are usually caused by something bigger.  

It’s like a weed: no matter how hard you want to cut it, it will continue to grow if you don’t uproot it. It is important to discover what is causing so many pointless discussions .

  • Perhaps for you the order in the kitchen and he may not see it that way.
  • There are wives who fight because the man did not place the plate exactly where she liked it, without noticing that it is a minor mistake.

Fight the early signs of divorce

A couple should be based on communication and sharing good times. No one says that setbacks don’t exist or that you should deny them: quite the opposite. If you notice any of the four signs above, it is important that you talk with your partner.

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