6 Mistakes To Avoid When Using Essential Oils

It is becoming more and more common to talk about the properties of essential oils. The reason is simple: they provide great health benefits in a safe and economical way.

These oils can treat a wide range of problems, from depression to acne, or from sleeping problems to menstrual cramps. However, despite being very easy to use, there are some mistakes you should avoid when using essential oils. If you commit them, you could be diminishing their effectiveness or losing all benefits.

Take note of these mistakes and correct them if you are making them.

1. Stay frozen when choosing essential oils to use

There are a myriad of essential oils that you can use, and each with a number of benefits that can baffle you a bit. So when it comes time to choose one, many people get confused because they are left wondering about the problems they have to deal with.

The result is that in the end you may end up choosing none and continuing with those problems that are affecting you so much. To avoid this indecision, we recommend choosing two or three types of oil that complement each other based on the most representative health problems.

Try to buy them in small quantities and test their effects from there.

2. Buy essential oils without having studied a little about it

Another mistake to avoid when using essential oils is to use them “blindly.” Do some research on them and their health benefits. Before choosing which ones to buy, check if there are any kind of contraindications or recommendations.

For example, oregano oil is very strong and high in phenols, so it should be diluted a bit to avoid redness or dizziness. If you have doubts, you can ask at the establishment where you buy them.

3. Mix essential oils with water

The third of the mistakes to avoid when using essential oils is a rookie mistake and you shouldn’t feel bad if you have made it. Before we said that there are oils that must be diluted to avoid annoying side effects, but it should never be done with water, but with another oil.

The most basic oil that can be combined with anyone is almond oil. You just have to mix ⅓ of almond oil with ⅔ of the oil you want to use.

In case you are going to apply the oil on children or babies, it is very important to ask an expert first. Remember that children’s skin is more sensitive.

4. Apply essential oils near your eyes without proper care

Another mistake that you should avoid when using essential oils, and with any other product, is to apply them without protecting your eyes.

Many women seek to lengthen their lashes or have prettier eyes, so applying certain oils is part of their beauty routine. That’s fine as long as they make sure no oil gets into the eye.

The correct way to apply the oils is to use a cotton swab or cloth moistened with a drop or two of the oil. Then it should be passed gently and without pressing.

The eyelashes or eyelid should be slightly damp but without excess. In case a little oil gets into the eye it is important that you rinse it with enough clean water. It’s probably a little red, but it’s normal. After rinsing, it’s a good idea to go to the ophthalmologist just to make sure there is no damage.

5. Using essential oils too often or hardly ever

The fifth of the mistakes to avoid when using essential oils goes straight to the extremes. Some people fall so in love with the benefits of these oils that they use them every couple of days. Others use them only once and hope that the benefits will be sustained over time.

These two positions are just as wrong. In general, you should use the oils once a week, as their effects are gradual and can be lost very easily.

6. Choose oils just because you enjoy their aroma

We know that many essential oils smell delicious and that each has its favorite scents. However, buying an oil just because you liked the way it smells and waiting for it to solve your problems is not a good idea.

It is better to do a preliminary search to identify the oils that will help you treat the ailments you want to correct . Then, based on this information, you can choose the scent that you like the most.

This way you avoid complicating your problems. For example, many people enjoy the scent of lavender, but are unaware that it has sedative and calming effects.

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