The Frozen Lemon: A Great Ally For Health

Frozen lemon is an ideal dessert for citrus lovers. There are those who enjoy it alone and there are those who like to add some syrup or a touch of cream. It all depends on the tastes of each person.

As lemon has been a very common food in the kitchen for hundreds of years and has proven to be very versatile, it is not surprising that there are many different recipes with its zest and juice, drinks, vinaigrettes, dishes, desserts and even home remedies. .

Another reason why lemon is often chosen is because this citrus fruit is attributed medicinal properties. Mainly for its content of vitamin C and antioxidants.

An important part of the nutrients of the lemon are present in its peel, although in general, this is not used, but is usually thrown away. In this there is a higher concentration of antioxidant compounds and essential oils.

Let’s see in more detail the beneficial properties for the body that this fruit can offer us in general, such as frozen lemon in particular.

Properties of frozen lemon

Freshly squeezed lemon juice.

Lemon’s antibiotic properties have been studied for many years . The components of these citrus fruits help to stop the action of microorganisms that cause infections and diseases, according to a study published in 2019.

It has also proven to be an effective treatment for internal worms and parasites, high blood pressure, and various nervous disorders.

In addition, certain investigations are being done to take advantage of all these properties that this citrus offers us. In this sense, a possible anticancer effect is being investigated that perhaps in the future could support therapies for this disease, as stated in an article published in the journal Phytomedicine.

The conclusions of more than 20 investigations have been able to determine that some compounds known as “limonoids”, present in large quantities in this fruit, are responsible for giving it its beneficial properties that it offers us.

In addition to these effects, it is important to mention other properties:

  • Helps fight hypertension : as it contains potassium and little sodium, it helps fight high blood pressure.
  • Promotes digestion: frozen lemon is a great stimulant of the flow of saliva and gastric juices. This helps make digestion easier in addition to fighting dyspepsia and constipation.
  • Helps maintain good liver health: lemon consumption helps to fight the appearance of free radicals and, with it, the functioning of the liver.

The remedy: a frozen lemon, whole and grated

What is advised to take advantage of all its properties is its regular consumption without extracting its peel and juice. The correct way to take it for this purpose is by obtaining its zest, after freezing it:

  • To start, wash and disinfect the lemon using a little water with bicarbonate of soda or apple cider vinegar. This is very important, especially when the origin of the fruit is unknown.
  • When it is clean, take it to the refrigerator and leave it there until you have the frozen lemon.
  • Once it’s ready, take it out. Use a food grater to get the powder from its frozen rind and pulp.

The lemon powder that you get can be added in many of your meals or in special drinks such as juices and cocktails.

Does this remedy have the same effects as drinking lemon juice?

Lemons in half.

Of course not. Lemon juice has properties that are valued in many fields of health. However, when it comes to taking advantage of all the benefits it offers us, it is necessary to acquire the components that the peel provides us.

It is right on the skin where most of the limonoids and other antioxidants are concentrated. And these are responsible for helping to improve all the problems mentioned.

In fact, it is estimated that a whole lemon can contain up to 22 active ingredients, among which we can mention:

  • The limonine.
  • Citrus pectin.
  • Flavonol glycosides.

Don’t forget the lemon peel!

Both the lemon in general and the frozen lemon provide us with a series of benefits to maintain the proper functioning of the body. However, it should not be forgotten that most of its components are found in the shell.

Remember that you should never substitute established medical treatment for a lemon-based remedy or other natural remedies. These are to support drug treatments in cases where they are allowed.

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