What Are The Health Benefits Of Green Juices

Thanks to their fiber and antioxidants, green smoothies are a good strategy to provide satiety within the framework of a hypocaloric diet

It is very likely that by now you have already heard about the famous green juices. These kinds of drinks are very popular all over the world and  represent a great form of nutrition . In addition, they are an excellent support for all those people who are trying to lose weight.

As we know that some have not yet begun to enjoy its benefits, today we want to dedicate this space to share its nutritional qualities. Discover all those properties that have made them so famous.

Green juices

Green juices are made from green leafy vegetables, the color of which is due to the high chlorophyll content.  This nutrient is being investigated for the incredible benefits it brings to the body.

However, additionally, you can also add some green or other colored fruits. In the same way, they combine well with vegetables such as carrots, beets and all those that can enhance their qualities.

Until some time ago it was thought that these only provided large amounts of vitamins, minerals and fiber. However, today it is known that its compounds go beyond what many can imagine.

For this reason it is not surprising that almost all nutrition experts are advising them as an excellent way to supplement all types of diets. They are worth knowing and consuming.

Nutritional properties

Nutritional properties of green juices

Chlorophyll is one of the most beneficial substances for the body when ingested through this type of drink. Although vegetables contain it naturally, now it is also possible to find it in liquid form in herbal stores.

It is suspected that regular intake of chlorophyll, or even its supplementation, can help fight obesity and improve the microbiota, according to the following study. However, it should be noted its limitations, which is made with rats.

Rich in antioxidants

The wealth of antioxidants they contain is incomparable and very effective in stopping the action of free radicals. These are the ones that damage healthy cells in the body.

Among the most common is vitamin C and E. However, they also have lower amounts of carotenoids and flavonoids, substances with a high antioxidant power as stated in the “Journal of Natural Products”.

They provide phytochemicals

The word phytochemicals refers to those chemicals that plants contain in their natural state. The scientific literature highlights the interesting anti-inflammatory power of these substances present in fruits and vegetables.

In this case, a special mention should be made of them. Together, they represent excellent allies to take care of the body and prevent diseases.

Vitamins and minerals

These juices are an excellent source of nutrients. They provide significant amounts of vitamins (A, C, and K) and essential minerals (calcium, magnesium, zinc, and iron).

These nutrients are essential for the optimal functioning of each of the body’s organs.

Benefits of drinking green juices

Benefits of drinking green juices

Making clear what are the nutritional properties that this type of beverages can provide, it is also worth highlighting the alleged direct benefits that it can provide.

  • For example, its low calorie content and high content of fiber and antioxidants support the function of the metabolism to lose weight more easily. It is necessary to emphasize that the intake of these juices will not make us lose weight, but it can generate satiety to reduce anxiety on a hypocaloric diet. The following study states that green juices have no effect on energy metabolism.
  • On the other hand, they could have an alkaline effect that, upon reaching the body, regulates the pH of the blood. This could reduce the risk of common and chronic diseases. However, there are no studies that support this theory on pH regulation, since this is a task performed by the kidneys very effectively.
  • They have diuretic and cleansing effects to remove waste substances from the body. In this way they help combat fluid retention that influences inflammation. However, there are no scientific articles that support this diuretic property.
  • Its daily or regular consumption contributes to maintaining good kidney, liver and entire cardiovascular system health.
  • Added to all this, they work as an excellent natural energizer. Therefore, they are ideal for recharging both physically and mentally.

These benefits are not evidenced in the literature as such. If it is true that the intake of vitamins, antioxidants and minerals that green juices contain have positive health implications. However, the intake of green juices by itself will not improve the functions of the body, it is necessary to carry out a balanced and healthy diet and practice sports regularly.

How to prepare a nutritious and tasty green juice

How to make green juices

There are dozens of recipes to make this type of juice and take advantage of all its benefits. This time we are going to share one that contains cucumber, spinach and avocado. Enjoy it!


  • ½ cucumber
  • 2 lemons
  • 1 cup of kale (67 g)
  • 1 handful of spinach
  • ½ avocado
  • 4 ice cubes

How to prepare it?

  • To start, put all the ingredients in the blender and beat them at high speed so that they integrate well.
  • After obtaining a homogeneous mixture free of lumps, serve it, if possible, without straining.
  • Take it on an empty stomach three times a week or whenever you need to energize yourself.

There are many other options for enjoying these healthy drinks as part of your regular diet.

Start drinking your green juices today!


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