7 Things That Destroy The Relationship

There are various attitudes, gestures, and words that can have a negative impact on a relationship. There are also cases in which, precisely, it is the lack of these that is harmful.

As a relationship progresses, it is advisable to talk about some issues with complete sincerity to avoid future inconveniences. 

There are couples who make the mistake of keeping quiet and letting go of what bothers them, without resolving it directly with their partner through dialogue. They believe that by avoiding commenting on it, they will save themselves an argument and do not realize that, deep down, they only end up accumulating discomfort.

Let’s delve into the subject.

What can undermine the couple’s relationship?

While it is true that there are hundreds of factors that can lead to disaster, these are the most common. You have to keep them in mind so as not to fall for them.

1. Give place to third parties to have an opinion


Allowing friends or family to comment on the couple is a mistake. Maybe at first it seems like something unimportant and the other will shut up, out of politeness towards them. However, the truth is that it can cause very serious internal damage and, over time, this can become a serious problem.

It is a lack of respect towards the other, in addition to being a toxic behavior. Each couple is different, and what happens within those limits is personal.

2. Destructive criticism

Aggressive criticism or teasing can  damage self-esteem. If you want to express something, do it with love and delicacy, assertively and expressing your points of view calmly.

If you act aggressively, the other may feel offended or humiliated, which will undermine the relationship. Think before you open your mouth, especially when you are angry.

3. Excessive control

Boyfriend checking his partner's mobile.

Some people have a pathological need to have everything under control. That, almost always, includes their partners and the people around them.

Forcing him to teach you who he talks to, uncontrolled jealousy or fits of anger in related situations are behaviors that are out of place. No healthy relationship can survive with this kind of toxicity.

4. Ignore problem situations

Following the daily routine while your partner is overwhelmed with a situation is another of the problems that destroy the couple. The issues of the home, the economy and the children must be shared.

If one is completely ignorant of its existence, the other will take it all and end up angry at the lack of commitment. When the time comes, it will not be known what the main cause was, but the relationship will already be damaged.

5. Forget sexual intercourse

That one or both show disinterest when it comes to sex is also harmful. The first excuses are surely accepted, but after several, a discussion can begin.

Talk to your partner about what is happening. There may be an underlying problem that you may not have noticed, or you may just be going through a stressful time. Be that as it may, do not keep your concern to yourself and, if you consider it, consult a sexologist.

6. The details they fell in love with no longer exist

When they start dating, couples tend to be more attentive to each other’s every detail. Dates of birthdays, anniversaries or Valentine’s Day are reasons for tender and romantic encounters. Likewise, when one is sick, worrying about his health or helping with tasks so that he can rest is a common thing.

However, many in the marriage begin to forget these points and the reproaches come immediately. They seem to be caused by disinterest, unconcern, or lack of love. 

7. Neglecting themselves

There are those who, after finding a partner, stop taking care of their appearance and even their health. They gain weight excessively, they relegate the exercises and they no longer remember what a stylist is. It is the same to be well dressed than in nightwear at home.

These attitudes destroy the couple relationship because they cause one of the members to see the other in a different way, generally worse.

Couples always go hand in hand

It is true that people mature and change as they grow. For this reason, couples must mature in order to continue moving forward together. The moment this does not happen, problems appear.

If you’ve seen yourself reflected throughout this article, it’s time to get down to business. It may be difficult at first, but the results will not disappoint. Take care of your relationship and you will maintain your happiness.

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