Losing Weight With The Watermelon Diet

The watermelon diet can be very effective to lose weight and detoxify the body naturally and without starving. This diet is one of the healthiest, since in addition to giving us good results, the eating plan includes other foods that provide the energy that the body needs for its day to day.

However, do not forget that it is necessary to consult a doctor in case you want to lose weight. Your opinion is the one that must prevail. Anyway, we will tell you what the watermelon diet consists of and how it should be carried out.

What properties does watermelon have for weight loss?

Watermelon is a food that is characterized by its high water content and low calorie content. For these reasons, it is a great ally to lose weight. Among its benefits and properties we can find the following:

  • It is diuretic and purifying.  In fact, it can make it easier to remove fluids and wastes from the body.
  • It is hypocaloric, since for every 100 grams of watermelon, we receive 7 grams of sugar and 32 calories.
  • It constitutes a source of water. One of the main characteristics of watermelon in its composition: between 90 and 95% of it is water. Thanks to this, watermelon is a very powerful natural satiating agent. Keep in mind that water intake has been shown to increase satiety.
  • It has detoxifying properties. It is characterized by being a source of antioxidants such as Vitamin A, Beta-carotene and Vitamin C. There is evidence that this last nutrient favors immune function.
  • It is a rich source of fiber. This property is ideal to help us maintain good digestive function, according to a study published in the Central European Journal of Public Health.
  • Finally, it should be noted that it is suitable for diabetics, since it is low in carbohydrates and sugars.

How to do the watermelon diet?

The watermelon diet can be beneficial for losing weight in a healthy way. Before starting it, we must know that  we can only do it for a maximum of 5 days, without exceeding its application.

In fact, if we overdo it, it can have negative health effects, such as the rebound effect. Also, pregnant women, children, or people with liver problems should not do it.


Once we have the clear recommendations and we are willing and committed, it is time to move on to the watermelon diet meal plan.


  • First day: have  a cup of coffee or tea, a plain yogurt with oatmeal and 1 slice of watermelon.
  • Second day: have a cup of coffee with skim milk and 1 toast of whole wheat bread spread with cheese.
  • Third day: have a cup of coffee or tea, 1 whole wheat toast, 2 slices of ham or turkey sausage, as well as 1 slice of watermelon.
  • Fourth day: have a cup of tea, a plain yogurt with oatmeal and 1 slice of watermelon.
  • Fifth day: drink a cup of coffee with milk without sugar, a yogurt. Finally, add 1 slice of watermelon.


During the 5 days that we carry out the watermelon diet, we must eat as much watermelon as we want at mid-morning. The recommended minimum is 2 slices. In addition, we can prepare a watermelon juice and drink it 10 minutes before lunch.


  • First day:  eat a grilled beef fillet, 1 plate of broccoli or another vegetable, 1 tablespoon of olive oil, and 1 plain, unsweetened yogurt.
  • Second day: have a plate of boiled cauliflower, 2 baked chicken thighs and 1 plain yogurt without sugar.
  • Third day: eat grilled squid or a portion of fish. You can also add grilled mushrooms or a vegetable dish, and a natural yogurt.
  • Fourth day: eat a grilled beef fillet, 1 portion of brown rice and 1 plain yogurt.
  • Fifth day: prepare and eat a zucchini or carrot puree, 1 portion of grilled breast and 1 natural yogurt.

    Afternoon snack

    As in the mid-morning, the 5 days of the diet you can have 2 or more slices of watermelon as a snack, or prepare a juice without sugar.


    • First day:  prepare grilled hake, sautéed artichokes with garlic and finish with 1 slice of watermelon.
    • Day 2:  Have a bowl of fat-free vegetable soup, 1 slice of baked fish with lemon, and again finish with 1 slice of watermelon.
    • Day 3:  Eat a grilled breast fillet, a vegetable salad, 1 tablespoon of olive oil, and once again 1 slice of watermelon.
    • Fourth day:  you can have a vegetable puree, 1 tortilla stuffed with asparagus or spinach and 1 slice of watermelon.
    • Fifth day:  cook a plate of leek puree with some grated cheese and add 1 grilled hake fillet and 1 slice of watermelon for dessert.

    It is important that you take into account …

    Remember that you should not apply this diet in excess because it can have side effects on health. Ideally, follow the eating plan step by step for the recommended 5 days. However, it is best to put yourself in the hands of a nutritionist, since restrictive diets are not usually the best option to lose weight.

    Once this time has passed, you should continue with a healthy diet, free of fatty foods and junk food in general. Likewise, it is advisable to start a healthy exercise routine and include more water a day and, of course, visit a nutritionist doctor and follow their advice.

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