Healthy Fruits For The Brain

And you, do you take care of your brain health? Keeping your brain active, stimulating your curiosity, learning things every day and taking care of your diet are essential keys to reaching old age with an agile and strong brain. Today, we show you in our space which fruits can help you.

What fruits can take care of my brain health?

Sometimes we hear that fruits are not good for our brain. They have too much sugar and this, in the long run, can be more negative than beneficial. But it is a mistake.

Fruits are a natural compendium of vitamins and minerals that can very well serve as fuel for this essential organ. An organ that, let’s not forget, needs almost 20% of our total energy, so never overlook it. So let’s see which fruits are the ones that can help you the most.

1. The healthy cherries


All you have to do is clean the apple, cut it into small pieces with its peel included and put it in a bowl with two walnuts. Wonderful to start the day with energy and vitality.

4. Strawberries with oatmeal

How about in the middle of the afternoon we prepare a smoothie with strawberries and oatmeal? It’s great when we arrive tired and without energy. Strawberries are excellent purifiers, they provide us with rich antioxidants, vitamin C and fiber.

All this will take care of your brain and give it vitality. If you combine them with oats, we enhance their effects even more. Remember that oats are considered a food with many antioxidants. Remember, take 5 strawberries, clean them and mix them with a glass of oatmeal. You’ll love it.

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