5 Sports With Multiple Health Benefits

Practicing some sport or physical activity is very common. There are many that provide countless benefits for health, mind and body. Join us to learn more!

There are some sports with multiple health benefits. However, although it is known that practicing sports is something very healthy, it is advisable to do research and be more specific on the subject. For example, these can increase endurance, calm the mind, improve breathing, help gain flexibility, among others.

Also, it all depends on what the body needs and what it is looking for. For all this, today you are going to discover some sports with various benefits. Perhaps some of them have not been practiced by some people and they discover a new passion.

1. Paddle tennis or tennis

Perhaps they have been practiced by many people sporadically, somewhere outdoors, such as the beach. In that case, incorporating them into your daily routine can bring many benefits. In addition, since they are practiced in a group, it helps to facilitate social relationships.

Both paddle tennis and tennis are sports that help improve mental agility and coordination. This is positive, since it can favor decision-making. In the same way, it tones the body in a complete way, especially the extremities.

2. Yoga

yoga, a sport with multiple benefits

Another sport that provides multiple benefits is yoga. It is an activity that involves sustained effort rather than speed. Of course, people with flexibility have a great facility to perform the different postures that this exercise implies.

However, even if you don’t have a lot of flexibility at the beginning, with practice the body will be able to acquire it. Also, it helps to improve the quality of respiration, which increases lung capacity and better oxygenates the body.

On the other hand, it can help people focus on the present and relieve them of stress. By achieving this, well-being is acquired immediately and this translates into quality of life. 

3. Hiking

The third of the sports with multiple health benefits is hiking. Research carried out in 2015 showed that this can generate environmental, cultural, social, health and economic benefits.

Although many do not like to walk, it will be more profitable to take a hiking route through nature. The reason lies in something very simple but of great importance: obtaining good mental health.

It is necessary to disconnect from the usual rhythm of the city and enjoy the freedom that is breathed in the open air, as this allows you to recharge your batteries and strengthen yourself emotionally.

Contact with nature always supposes a breath of fresh air that comforts, that allows you to enjoy for a moment what is around and that brings you back to the present. On the other hand, it is an optimal cardiovascular exercise that provides oxygenation to the body.

4. Running

Known in these times by the Anglo-Saxon term ‘running’ , running is one of the most complete activities that can be practiced on a daily basis.

This can help improve posture, speed up, tone the body, and also help clear the mind. In addition, it can increase endurance, strengthen joints, and improve the cardiovascular system.

swimming vs running

Running can also be a good way to increase motivation. Therefore, joining a marathon can help people want to improve themselves, which translates into good self-esteem.

In addition, a marathon is a fun activity in a certain way and allows you to evaluate the results compared to when you started running the first time.

5. Swimming

The list of multi-benefit sports cannot be finalized without mentioning swimming. It is a sport considered the most complete of all and low impact. So it is suitable for the elderly, adults and children.

According to research carried out at the University of Cuenca, psychomotor skills are a fundamental process in the development of the mind and body, which can be evidenced in various motor activities, for example: swimming. This contributes to improving psychomotor skills in a harmonious way.

In addition to this, it also allows you to disconnect the mind. Contact with water is always very pleasant and this helps to dispel worries.

Do you already practice any of these sports?

There are no excuses not to take advantage of the many benefits that these sports can offer. Well, they not only provide benefits on a physical level, but on a psychological level.

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