How To Make An Aloe Vera Soap With A Moisturizing Effect?

Sometimes some people feel that their skin becomes dry or irritated when using certain commercial soaps. For this reason, you may be encouraged to prepare aloe vera soap and olive oil at home, two ingredients that help to take care of the health of the skin and beautify its appearance. Has it also happened to you? In that case, keep reading everything that we are going to tell you below.

Maintaining the skin’s own hydration while cleaning it of accumulated impurities and dirt is not always easy when you do not know which products are the best for you to use, for this reason, it is important that you consult with your dermatologist what is what It can be better for you and why.

If the professional authorizes it, you can complement your care routine with the soap that we are going to share with you below, which you can also use for both the face and the body. Take note of the recipe!

What does aloe vera give us?

Aloe vera, also known as aloe vera, is a plant whose leaves contain a gelatinous pulp with many health properties, whether we consume it or apply it to the skin. Due to its soothing, antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and regenerating properties, many cosmetic products contain aloe vera gel.

As this substance helps us to maintain the natural hydration of the skin without making it greasy, it is often considered to be the ideal option for taking care of combination, oily and acne-prone skin.

For all the above, many people have already chosen to have an aloe vera plant on the balcony, since it does not require much care and offers a quick and effective remedy for minor burns, scrapes and other common discomforts.

Advantages of preparing aloe soap

More and more people are encouraged to prepare their own hygiene and cosmetic products at home since, in this way, they can choose and customize the ingredients and try different formulas, according to their skin type.

In the case of aloe vera soap, one of the main advantages is that we can give it different shades with some essential oils, flowers, coconut oil, beeswax and other natural elements, easy to find in herbalists and health food stores.

How to prepare aloe vera soap to take care of the skin?

Aloe vera soap: a toilet alternative that you can prepare at home.


  • 3 tablespoons of caustic soda (30 g).
  • 15 drops of essential oil (optional).
  • 1 cup of olive or coconut oil (220 g).
  • 6 ½ tablespoons of distilled water (65 ml).
  • 3 tablespoons of aloe vera (fresh or packaged) (45 g).


  • Casserole.
  • Hand blender.
  • Glass container.
  • Wooden spoon.
  • Protective glasses for handling caustic soda.
  • 1 soap mold, or the base of a plastic bottle.


  • We will put on our glasses and, with great caution, we will place the glass container in the sink.
  • We will add the caustic soda to the container first and then the distilled water. When doing this, we must be very careful to avoid splashing.
  • Since this process generates vapors, we will let it cool.
  • We will ventilate the kitchen or the place where we are.
  • Next we will put the olive or coconut oil in a saucepan, over low heat and, when it is a little hot, at about 40ºC, we will remove it from the heat, we will mix it very carefully with the caustic soda and we will beat it well.
  • We must be careful, once again, to avoid splashing.
  • We will beat it until it has the consistency of a gel.
  • At this time, and without waiting for it to cool, we will add the aloe vera and essential oils, and mix well.
  • We will introduce this mixture into the mold and cover it with a towel to keep it warm and carry out the saponization process.
  • We will let it rest until it cools, between 12 and 24 hours.
  • Once cold we can unmold it.
  • We will keep it in a cool and dry place so that it hardens and ripens, between a month and a half and two months.

Precautions to consider

  • We recommend handling caustic soda with great caution.
  • Ideally, avoid having children or pets around when making the soap to avoid accidents.
  • It is advisable to always wear protective glasses, and even a mask and gloves, because caustic soda is a very corrosive material.
  • If at any time it falls on our skin, we will immediately apply a little vinegar.

Another simple option – to avoid the use of caustic soda – would be to prepare an aloe vera soap with glycerin. For this you can buy a glycerin soap, heat it in a water bath until it melts, and mix it at that time with the aloe vera gel. Then we would let it cool again in the mold and that’s it!

Using an aloe vera soap (made or not with glycerin) can be a good strategy to take care of your skin and keep it in good condition. How about you take the test?

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