New Research On Breast Cancer

The new research on breast cancer tries to shed light on how to improve the treatment of this disease or on how to find a new treatment that is much more effective than existing ones.

Breast cancer is a very serious disease that, if caught early, could be stopped. However, it is important to continue investigating in order to help patients who suffer from it.

To talk about new research on breast cancer, we are going to base ourselves on what the Spanish Society of Medical Oncology points out in the last statement it issued in October 2018.

Despite the fact that many new ways of dealing with this disease have been discovered, there is still a search for a way to eradicate it completely or, at least, to use less aggressive methods that do not affect the quality of life of patients.

Breast Cancer Research

Triple positive cancer

Without a doubt, triple positive cancer was a very revealing discovery that researchers made, and that is that breast cancer sometimes presented with specific subtypes that required different treatments.

Thus, HER2 positive patients were given the antibody trastuzumab and pertuzumab, which achieved an increase in the survival of those suffering from this disease.

Breast cancer

Hormone-sensitive disease

With regard to hormone-sensitive disease , the supply of new biological drugs has been launched which, without a doubt, are having better results.

However, this does not mean that traditional treatments are completely eliminated, but rather that they are combined to improve their results. For example, the classic hormonal therapy treatment already benefits from everolimus, palbociclib, and ribociclib.

In addition, these new drugs have achieved something very important for patients: the reduction of side effects that the classic treatments had. Without a doubt, this supposes a very important improvement in their quality of life.


Another novelty in breast cancer is the introduction of mastectomy as a prevention method. Some famous people have already undergone this surgery and, the truth is that it gives them greater peace of mind.

The process is simple. It involves removing the mammary gland or part of it. Thus, the chances of developing this disease are reduced or completely avoided.

Doctors often recommend it when there are other cases of breast cancer in the family. Well, as we well know, if a family member has had this disease, there is a greater risk of suffering from it.

Woman covering her breasts

Conservative surgeries

Without a doubt, another of the important advances is the improvement of surgeries. Patients not only feel relief because their breast cancer has been removed, but because the surgery performed does not cause an emotional blow as in the past.

Now, what is sought is to minimize the risk of leaving scars or a bust that the patient finds difficult to accept. Breast withdrawal is always difficult.

For this reason, sometimes it is not necessary to remove the entire breast, or a small surgery can be performed on it. Everything will depend on the size of the tumor and where it is detected.

Studies continue to advance

Despite all the progress that has been made with respect to breast cancer, the truth is that new lines of research continue to be opened to improve the quality of life of patients and minimize the side effects of the treatment provided.

With all that is being done, it is very likely that the day will come when this disease, although it cannot be prevented, an effective cure will be achieved.

Of course, it is the type of cancer that is most advanced with respect to research. Therefore, this could come true sooner than expected.

Our intention is to shed some light on the new breast cancer research that has been done and continues to be studied. Likewise, we will continue to inform about any possible news that may arise and that gives hope to all those who deal with cancer every day.

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