4 Reasons To Eliminate Soda Addiction

The first thing you have to know is the harm caused by having an addiction to soda , even in its variety Light . Most people have doubts about the latter because its name indicates that it is lightweight. The truth is that although it contains less sugar and calories than a regular soda, it is not exactly harmless either.

You will not find many people who have achieved their ideal weight by drinking soft drinks, light or not . On the other hand, it is actually proven that diet sodas cause metabolic problems similar to normal sugary drinks.

In fact, Just one diet soda a day increases your risk of developing metabolic syndrome by 34%, according to an article published in 2017.  This pathology includes a series of symptoms that include the accumulation of belly fat and high cholesterol, which can later lead to heart disease.

These are some reasons why you should eliminate the addiction to soda.

1. Soft drinks are not a good source of energy

Instead of drinking a diet soda for energy, you can have an alternative drink that also provides other benefits.

For example, you can help your body with a supply of antioxidants while obtaining energy through the consumption of coffee and tea .  

If you want to sweeten, we recommend stevia, a naturally sweet plant extract. You could also go for a teaspoon of honey. Avoid using table sugar or any other artificial sweetener.

Another good alternative to soft drinks are natural refreshing drinks, which also give you energy.   You can combine fruit, which already provides a sweet flavor, with spices such as mint . The limit to creating delicious drinks is your imagination.

If the sensation of bubbles is what you miss, use sparkling water instead of normal water.

2. Blood sugar can get out of control

types of diabetes

Noticing that your sugar drops is one of the worst sensations there is. That dizziness, sweat, compulsive hunger and tremors have led you to drink sweetened beverages.

If your addiction to soda is due to low blood sugar, the first thing to avoid are the stressors of your day. The fact of consuming sugary soft drinks can aggravate this problem, since the ingestion of glucose can cause the appearance of a reactive hypoglycemia, according to a study published in 2016.

To improve glycemic control, you can introduce an intermittent fasting protocol into your diet. Increasing your fiber intake is also effective. Even melatonin supplementation could be beneficial. But always avoid sodas and foods rich in simple sugars.

3. You have intestinal yeast infection

We all have small yeasts that are naturally in our intestines to ensure the balance of our digestion. However, it is possible that they can grow and proliferate uncontrollably.  This is when they start to cause health problems.

Surely this is the reason why sugar cravings are occurring in you. If this is your problem, you will also have to deal with chronic nasal congestion, sinusitis, spastic colon or irritable bowel syndrome.

What you can do is consume a good probiotic instead of drinking soda. You should also avoid consuming sugar to stop feeding these parasites. Look for an alternative to infused soda and green smoothies.

Remember that the more natural what you consume, the less chance the parasites have to develop in the body. In addition, preparing a green smoothie is much cheaper than buying soft drinks and you will avoid future health problems.

4. Your hormones are in the process of change

In women, hormonal changes could occur in different periods of time:

  • During menstruation: it could be divided into a first half (follicular or estrogenic phase) and the second half (luteal or progestational phase). In between them ovulation occurs.
  • During pregnancy: in this period the secretion of progesterone predominates to nourish the fetus.
  • Stage of menopause: reproductive function ceases and the decrease of estrogen levels in the body appears.

When a person has hormonal fluctuations, they may have insomnia, headaches, fatigue, or mild depression.

Including sodas with high amounts of sugars and sweeteners could further aggravate these imbalances. For this reason, we recommend replacing them with fruit juices or smoothies, which provide essential nutrients for proper metabolic and hormonal functioning.

Boycott  your soda addiction

natural drinks

Although the addiction to soda is difficult to eliminate from one day to the next, you can apply some tricks that fight it:

Opt for natural sweet foods

If what attracts you is the sweet taste, take advantage of it to eat nuts or smoothies that include fruit and vegetables. For that extra touch, use fresh spices, like peppermint or cinnamon.

Prepare your natural drinks with sparkling water

The sensation of bubbles will make you feel like you are drinking soda and, in time, you will not even remember the difference.

Eliminate sodas from your diet to feel better

Take into account all these recommendations and start taking better care of yourself today. You will notice the results quickly and your body will thank you.

The best thing you can do to improve your health is to choose a varied diet, but free of processed foods. This last group includes soft drinks, drinks with large amounts of sugar and other additives that can harm health.

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