Creams For Spots On The Face

Blemishes on the face are one of the most common skin problems. And although its affectation is usually purely aesthetic, sometimes it can also decrease self-esteem and social relationships. Its causes can be diverse, as can its resistance to being eliminated. The good news is that there are natural and homemade alternatives that can reduce these small marks.

Why do spots appear on the face?

It could be said that the color of our skin is a mixture of three substances: hemoglobin, carotenes and melanin. However, all of us have two types of pigmentation. One, the one that obeys the basic color of the skin, the genetically determined one that is not affected by solar radiation.

And another, which is the result of ultraviolet radiation from the sun or caused by disease. Indeed, one of the most common causes of spots on the face is exposure to the sun. Depending on the intensity of it, temporary or permanent stains may occur.

In any case, the spots on the skin of the face are alterations in the uniformity of the color of the dermis. Its tonality can range from white, brown, pink, reddish …  The most frequent spots on the face and, in general, on the body, are moles, ephelides or freckles and lentigos (in the form of liver or beans).

You need to know that the darker they are, the more concern they generate. So if you present this type of spots on your face with black or dark brown pigmentation, it is recommended that you visit the specialist.


Recommendations to avoid spots on the skin

We usually consider that the only time of year when we should wear sun protection is in the summer months. This is a mistake. In the rest of the seasons, solar radiation continues to affect our skin. Therefore, it is very important to protect yourself from the sun throughout the year. You can use a moisturizer in the morning with a sun protection factor and thus keep your skin protected throughout the day.

It is also essential to eat a healthy and balanced diet to keep your skin hydrated and well nourished. It must contain fruits, vegetables, fish and nuts, foods that are very good for the health of the dermis. Ý consume about 6 glasses of water a day.

In addition, you should wash your face and moisturize it daily. Before going to sleep, remove your makeup and clean your skin with warm water. In the morning, apply a good moisturizer or take advantage of natural remedies.

Natural remedies for blemishes on the face

The following foods can be applied sparingly to the skin of the face to gradually reduce blemishes. It is essential that before using these remedies, you consult a specialist to know in depth the properties of your skin and which ones are more and less advisable.

Apple vinager

Soak a cotton ball with apple cider vinegar and apply every day. Leave on for about 20 minutes and wash with plenty of water.

Coconut cream

It is another product with great benefits for the skin. In fact, many natural cosmetics contain this ingredient because of its high nutritional content: fiber, vitamins C, E, B1, B3, B5 and B6. Apply coconut milk at night and let it work until the next day.


Lemon juice

It is one of the most popular home remedies for removing blemishes on the face. However, you must be very careful with its application. It should always be applied at night  or when you do not go outside, because when it comes into contact with the sun; it can have the opposite effect. And generate twice as many spots.

Olive oil

It is recommended to use cold-pressed extra virgin olive oil, the purest that exists. Apply a little on the face with a cotton ball. Leave until it dries and remove with hot water.


It is another of the wonderful ways to reduce blemishes on the skin of the face, due to the nutrients that its juice has. Use topically on the face to hide wrinkles, acne, etc. Leave on for 10 minutes and then wash off with cold water.

Be careful, because if the skin is damaged or very sensitive you can feel burning. If this happens, remove the onion as soon as possible. It is preferable that you try to deposit the onion in another part of your body, such as the wrists and see the reaction of your skin.



For thousands of years milk was considered a good remedy to soften the skin and make it beautiful. For example, Cleopatra bathed in fermented goat’s milk. This is due to the fact that lactic acid removes all dead cells from the surface of the dermis and, in addition, bleaches, restoring luminosity.

In the same way,  you can take advantage of the benefits of yogurt. Apply to the face with a gentle massage and let it dry. Then rinse well with warm water.


It cannot be missing from a list for skin care. It has a lot of water, vitamin E, natural oils and many nutrients to restore vitality to the dermis, eliminate spots and wrinkles. Cut into slices or make a smooth paste. Apply to the face for about ten minutes and rinse.

aloe vera

It is another of the most used remedies since Ancient Egypt, by Nefertiti. Nourishes and softens the skin. Cut a stem of aloe vera and remove the sage. Apply to stained areas and let it act for 30 minutes.



Tomato juice offers a host of nutritional benefits. Among them, vitamins C and A and proteins, in addition to lipocene, an antioxidant that prevents free radicals from proliferating.

Cut a tomato in half and apply on the face, so that this vegetable releases its juice. It is an excellent remedy for sunburn, because its components promote cell regeneration.

Turmeric powder

It is one of the most present ingredients in Indian recipes. And, in turn, a wonderful remedy to remove dark spots on the skin. Apply with a little water or lemon juice on the face, with gentle massages. Leave 30 minutes and rinse.


Chamomile tea or infusion can be used as an astringent or tonic to lighten the skin. It should be used after doing a deep facial cleansing. Prepare the tea, let it cool and soak a cotton ball in the cup. Apply to the face. You don’t have to rinse, but let it dry on its own.

In any case, in addition to these remedies that act a posteriori, it is essential to act preventively. That is, take action before spots appear on the face. Prevention is the best tool to avoid them. 

Images courtesy of Shannon Kringen, Kristen Taylor, Daniel R. Blume, ER and Jenny, and Eddi.

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