How To Know If You Should Take Better Care Of Your Kidneys

There are theories that link hearing difficulties with kidney problems.

The kidneys are vital organs that allow us to keep the blood clean and balanced, among other functions, so it is essential to be attentive to any signal that they give us. In this article we review the signs that will tell you that you should take better care of your kidneys. Some will surprise you!


The kidneys and the urinary system are in charge of controlling and balancing the water in our body. Therefore, if we suffer an excess or a lack of sweating, it may be related to our kidney health.

In general, only people who sweat a lot tend to worry about this issue, mainly because of the aesthetic discomfort it entails. In any case, the medical consultation becomes necessary to learn more about the functioning of the kidneys and take proper care of them.

Lack of energy

It is normal that after a great physical or mental effort we feel tired. However, it is not so normal that this situation lasts longer, or that we feel exhausted for no apparent reason for a season. Tiredness is related to both kidney and liver malfunction.

sleep sleep relaxing music

Swelling from fluid retention

As we have commented previously, the kidneys regulate the body’s water level and, therefore, if these do not work well, we will possibly suffer from a lack of fluid in some areas (dryness, dehydration) and an excess of fluid in others.

This can be observed in the parts of the body where we retain fluids, such as:

  • The legs.
  • The belly.
  • The eyelids.
  • Bags under the eyes.

This imbalance is a sure sign that the kidneys need a little extra help.

Hearing difficulties

Although it may surprise us, some theories link hearing difficulties and even some types of deafness with a deficiency in kidney function.

This data is interesting, especially, for those people who temporarily feel that they have lost hearing, in which case it may be highly recommended to take a natural supplement to promote kidney function.

   You can read: Natural remedies to prevent and stop deafness

Lumbar discomfort

If we put our open hands right at the waist, a little higher than where our thumbs reach, the kidneys are located. Many people think that the kidneys are in the lower part of the lumbar, but they are higher up, touching the dorsal area.

If we have pain or discomfort in this area, we could have some inflammation in the kidneys, so we can apply heat as a primary treatment. However, it is worth repeating that a medical consultation is the most recommended option.

Knee pain

According to the American Kidney Fund (an organization specializing in the study of kidney health), these organs are related to the health of the joints in general and of the knees in particular. According to this information, if we suffer pain in one knee, in addition to treating it locally, we should also carry out a treatment to balance kidney function.

Need to eat salty

When we feel a regular need to eat certain foods or a preference for certain flavors, we must know that this may indicate a deficiency in our body.

In this case, if we have noticed that lately the body asks us to eat rather salty foods, it is possible that the kidneys need a little support. There are studies that specifically analyze and confirm the relationship between salt intake and kidney disease.

On many occasions this symptom is also related to a lack of energy that the body tries to obtain quickly. However, in the long term it can be harmful if we do not know what the reason is.

   Also read: 5 ways to eliminate excess salt and fat in our body

Chiot's Run sea salt

How can you take care of your kidneys?

If the symptoms are not severe, we do not take medication or suffer from any disease, there are certain natural alternatives that, in theory and according to popular beliefs, can help improve kidney health. Some of them are:

  • Infusions to facilitate kidney function.
  • Onion broths to reduce inflammation of the kidneys.
  • Vegetable juices to purify toxins.
  • Local heat in the kidney area.
  • Application of suction cups in the areas of the back corresponding to the organs.

However, as we already mentioned, to take better care of your kidneys through a natural treatment, it is best to go to a doctor to develop a plan for our personalized case.

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