Coffee And Beer: Science Dispels Myths About Their Consumption

The consumption of coffee and beer has been surrounded by myths. However, science has investigated both ingredients to disprove these beliefs. What should we know about it?

The myths surrounding the benefits of consuming coffee and beer have spread among the population. The truth is that they can even put health at risk. What should we know about drinking these two drinks? What does the research say?

Some people have the habit of consuming several cups of coffee daily, or having a glass of beer, encouraged by the information that appears in different media about the advantages of including them in the day to day. However, different studies that we will see later, have questioned these advantages. Consumers don’t even really know the properties of beer or coffee.

For example, in 2016 drinking alcohol was the main risk factor for premature death and disability for people between the ages of 15 and 49. Consequently, the supposed health benefits reported by the media about moderate alcohol consumption were overshadowed by the risks it carries.

Top myths about coffee and beer

Popular beliefs about the consumption of coffee and beer have managed to spread in many parts of the world, confusing consumers. However, to set the record straight, some research has been done. We detail them below.

Top myths about beer

Top myths about beer

Moderate beer consumption is favorable

Fake! The truth is, no limit is safe, and even a moderate amount a day is not good for your health. In fact, there are many studies that claim that alcohol intake promotes the development of complex diseases.

The health risk of having one drink a day is only slightly higher than abstention, 0.5%

Drinking alcohol in moderation is not risky. This is another myth. The academics analyzed the levels of alcohol consumption and its impact on health in 195 countries, in order to understand how common it is among people to drink alcohol and of course, to measure the consequences that it entails.

In this way, they were able to compare the health of abstemious people with that of people who drink different amounts of alcohol per day, and they concluded that drinking two glasses of beer a day increases the risk for alcohol from 0.5% to 7%. health and 37% for those who have five glasses.

Top myths about coffee

Top myths about coffee

  • Coffee causes insomnia: the body eliminates this substance in approximately four hours, so we must bear in mind not to drink it so late in the afternoon to be able to fall asleep.
  • Coffee helps us wake up and gives us energy: it is not true that having a coffee has immediate effects to wake us up. According to a study by the University of Barcelona, ​​the effects begin after 10 minutes, and it takes 45 minutes for the concentration of caffeine in the blood to reach its maximum level.

Should I stop drinking beer and coffee?

The health risk when consuming alcoholic beverages is greater if we compare it with any benefit that we find in it.

According to information from the Mayo Clinic, the dietary guidelines have made it clear that no one should drink alcohol for the first time, or drink frequently, based on the supposed benefits that its consumption brings. In this vein, it would be best to avoid alcohol.

For its part, people’s reaction to caffeine consumption is determined by the amount that the person is used to taking. Likewise, factors such as genetics, body mass, drug use and certain diseases may be involved.

In general, those who do not consume coffee on a regular basis are more sensitive to its negative effects. Therefore, in these cases, it is better to drink coffee in moderation. In any case, as far as possible, limit the intake of both drinks and consult your doctor if there are suspicions of side effects from their consumption.

Promote good habits

As we have seen, promoting good habits is essential to enjoy good health. Reducing the amount of alcohol consumed is important, it is even beneficial to restrict the substance. At the same time, coffee is capable of providing a large amount of antioxidants apart from caffeine itself, making it a recommended drink, although always in moderate doses.

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