5 Effects That The Smartphone Is Having On Your Body And Brain

In recent years, technology has made huge strides and, today, it continues to cause a great impact worldwide. The development of smartphones  or smart phones, as well as other mobile devices, became a means to change ways of life, communication and the way of interacting.

These are increasingly common among the population and, in fact, for many it has become an essential element in many aspects of their lives.

However, although they have multiple advantages, there are some negative effects that should be considered by everyone who uses them on a daily basis.

Taking into account that many still ignore it, below we want to give in detail those 5 consequences that it can cause.

1. Vision problems

your eye color

The light emitted by smartphones and other similar devices can, in the long term, cause deterioration in visual health.

The most worrying thing of all is that, unlike other devices,  cell phones tend to come closer to the eyes and, therefore, the impact of their light is much stronger.

It is estimated that if a person were to spend 72 hours in a row in front of their cell phone screen, they would destroy about 90% of the photosensitive cells in their retina.

However, although this is unlikely, it is proven that there is a relationship between the daily use of this device and the main visual conditions.

The best way to reduce the risk is to avoid the use of the element as much as possible; however, since for some it is necessary, an alternative is to place a filter on the screen.

2. Stress and depression

The invasion of technology, especially mobile devices, brought with it an increase in the rate of people with disorders such as anxiety, depression and stress.

A person who cannot look at his smartphone for several hours has strong episodes of anxiety and irritability. Little by little a dependency on the device is created that  influences the mood.

Those who use them more than 5 hours a day tend to fall more easily into states of sadness and, sometimes, have difficulties in their social and work life.

3. Insomnia


Another of the most recurrent effects of the use of these devices is the problems to fall asleep properly. These are not only a distraction for the brain, but they prevent the secretion of melatonin.

Melatonin is a hormone that is secreted in the pineal gland, responsible for regulating circadian rhythms. It is concentrated in the absence of light and, therefore, it can be affected both in the daytime and when using elements that emit it.

Although it seems an innocent gesture, it has been shown that checking the mobile before sleeping affects the quality of sleep.

4. Muscle aches

Using the smartphone for several hours in a row leads to pain and muscle stiffness, especially in the back and neck.

Those who cannot use them moderately and responsibly tend to have more episodes of tension and pain in these areas of the body.

Most of the people maintain an incorrect position when using these devices and, therefore, it is not surprising that they feel this type of discomfort.

The best way to avoid this is to do it sitting in a chair, using both hands and keeping it at a height that does not imply lowering your head too much.

5. Addiction

Avoid stress and anxiety

Although this factor is related to the previous ones, we want to highlight it. Although some do not accept it, the addiction can be so strong that it can only be controlled with therapies.

Some people have had to go to the psychologist to overcome the dependence caused by their smartphoneIt is very worrying that many feel an emotional void when they cannot interact through these elements.

So serious has the situation become that some countries have decided to install rehabilitation centers with relaxation therapies to avoid excessive desire to use the device.

Do you identify with any? Although you may consider that it is not your case, try to reduce its use to the maximum so as not to reach these consequences.

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