5 Spices That Will Help You Eliminate Toxins

In addition to adding flavor to our dishes and providing us with multiple benefits, spices can also be very useful when it comes to purifying our body and eliminating toxins

In our space we have talked to you on multiple occasions about how important it is to eliminate toxins. This is because an excess of them makes you feel weaker and your quality of life is affected.

But there is a very easy solution. There are some culinary spices that, in addition to enhancing the flavor of the dishes, also facilitate the purification of the body. Take note of the spices that help you eliminate toxins and take advantage of them.

5 spices that will help you eliminate toxins

The body almost always tries to eliminate toxins naturally, but it is important that you do your part. The first step you must take is to drink enough water, as it acts as a purifier.

Also you must improve your diet and eliminate those foods that are too processed, rich in preservatives or high in salt. Lastly, you can optimize your health by choosing natural ingredients.

One of these foods is spices, which, in addition to being inexpensive for the most part, provide a delicious flavor to food. We detail which are the most effective. 

1. Coriander


Coriander is a plant widely used in traditional food for providing a delicious flavor. Regarding its qualities for the body, it stands out for:

  • Renew and optimize the antioxidant function of the liver.
  • Eliminate toxins and foreign compounds from the body faster.
  • Help improve digestion and relieve discomfort from too heavy meals.
  • Protect the liver against exposure to heavy metals such as lead.
  • Eliminate mercury, lead and aluminum that some foods contain.
  • Coriander seeds help lower blood cholesterol.

We recommend including a couple of sprigs of coriander in your green smoothie or stews. In this simple way you will help to debug progressively.

2. Turmeric

Turmeric helps protect the liver from damage caused by free radicals, parasites, and toxins . In addition, it is an anti-inflammatory and analgesic food. 

Because the liver is a fundamental part of the body’s cleansing process, it is at great risk of becoming ill, so you should make sure to clean it constantly.  A good option for this is to drink a turmeric infusion twice a week.


  • 1 teaspoon of turmeric powder (5 g)
  • 1 cup of water (250 ml)


  • Heat the water and, when it boils, add the turmeric and remove from the heat.
  • Let it rest for 3 to 4 minutes.
  • Consume immediately.

By consuming this infusion you will also get other benefits:

  • Sores, cuts, and bruises will heal faster.
  • You will reduce the chances of developing cancer.
  • You will increase the amount of antioxidants.
  • You will cleanse your blood.

3. Cardamom


Cardamom is a spice originating from India and well known for its calming effects on the stomach. It also stands out for a very special aromatic flavor. 

In addition to using it to enrich the flavor of your dishes, it is a good idea to make it part of your detox routine. The great thing about cardamom is that it kills harmful bacteria without destroying the beneficial bacteria.

This is an excellent quality, since the vast majority of commercial drugs have the disadvantage that they destroy both beneficial and harmful bacteria.

By including cardamom in your diet you will notice that:

  • Improve your appetite.
  • It prevents gastritis and controls it if it already exists.
  • Improves heart health.
  • Decreases liver fat.

How to consume cardamom?

  • Use it directly on your cymbals . Being a species little used in our traditional food, it can be difficult for us to incorporate it.

Without em However, if you give yourself the opportunity to try new flavors, you will discover very interesting alternatives.

  • Consume sweets that contain it. The flavor of cardamom makes it ideal to combine with sweet foods, especially dark chocolate .

In specialized stores you can get tablets with these two ingredients; just try to eat a small piece.

  • Prepare an infusion with a teaspoon (5 g) of cardamom in a glass (200 ml) of boiling water and take once or twice a week.

4. Cloves

These dry buttons are very popular in the kitchen, and there are great reasons to use them if you haven’t already.  Clove has antioxidant and detoxifying properties at the cellular level.

The consumption of this spice, therefore, improves the ability to manipulate and filter toxins from cells.  Liver cells, or hepatocytes, are responsible for eliminating toxins in the blood and are usually the most affected by a bad diet and bad habits.

  • The best way to reap the benefits of cloves is to consume them immediately after grinding or blending them.

    5. Cinnamon

    cinnamon to lose sizes

    Cinnamon is known for its properties such as:

    • Antioxidant
    • Purifying the blood.
    • Auxiliary in the control of high blood pressure.
    • Reducer of oxidative stress.
    • Cell repair.

    For cinnamon to really help you eliminate toxins, it is necessary that you consume it without sugar . The best option is a cup of cinnamon tea a day, unsweetened.

    Now you know which are the most effective spices to purify the body of toxins. Incorporate them into your diet and you will live with a better quality of life. 

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