6 Advantages And 7 Disadvantages Of The Menstrual Cup

The menstrual cup is an alternative to the use of sanitary napkins or feminine tampons. Its popularity has increased in recent years, not only for its comfort but also for its contribution to the environment, since it does not leave polluting residues.

This small container creates a vacuum in which your period fluids collect and should be removed and cleaned every 8 to 12 hours. It is usually made of harmless materials such as medical silicone, latex or medicinal elastomer, among others. Here are some advantages and disadvantages of the menstrual cup that you should take into account. Keep reading to know more!

Advantages of the menstrual cup

According to scientific evidence and the testimony of many women who have already tried it, the menstrual cup is an element that offers several advantages.

1. It is a good investment


Despite its price, which is usually an average of $18, depending on the type of kit , the menstrual cup is still a good investment, since both pads and tampons are disposable, while the cup can be used one and again.

In fact, it has a useful life of between 10 to 15 years, depending on the care given to it. So, the money you invest in buying it, you will get it back in three or four months.

2. The menstrual cup is ecological

Using pads and tampons produces thousands of tons of waste that takes 150 to 160 years to disintegrate. On the contrary, a woman will only need a few menstrual cups in her lifetime. This stops the production of thousands of tons of waste and contributes to the environment.

3. It is hygienic

Thanks to the properties of its materials, the menstrual cup attracts less bacteria than tampons. In addition, it does not dry, irritate or mistreat the vaginal area and helps to maintain the balance of your microbiota.

In this sense, it can be said that the menstrual cup prevents the appearance of infections and the toxic shock that tampons can produce. This, because the silicone from which it is made is inert and does not contribute to the proliferation of germs, if it is cleaned properly.

4. It is more comfortable


The menstrual cup can be used for long periods of time, depending on the person’s flow. Typically, it can be worn between 8 and 12 hours  and can even be used overnight or when performing high performance and flexibility exercises.

In fact, accidents during these activities are reduced to a minimum, since the vacuum sealing mechanism inside the vagina prevents spillage, so that it provides greater comfort and safety during the period.

5. It is safe

Pads or tampons are made from processed synthetic chemicals such as dioxins, which can be harmful to health. These are toxic substances that are produced unintentionally in processes that handle chlorinated substances, including bleached paper, tampons or cosmetic and pharmaceutical products.

In relation to this, a publication of the World Health Organization comments that this substance is highly toxic and can affect the immune system and interfere with the functioning of hormones.

On the contrary, the menstrual cup does not have harmful chemicals or bleaches, and does not absorb or release any type of substances in the body, so they are totally safe.

6. They are of prolonged use

The menstrual cup is anatomical, since it adapts to the vaginal walls without the possibility of leakage despite the movement of the wearer. In addition, it can be used for more than 10 years without any problem.

Disadvantages of the menstrual cup

Just as this element can be advantageous in many scenarios, in others not so much. In fact, in a study conducted in Kenya, it was observed that adolescent girls (14-16 years of age) had accidents at first when trying to use or remove the menstrual cup: they dropped in the toilet, they lost it. or they were directly damaged.

1. The size changes according to the phase of each woman

Every woman is different, and that is why there are different sizes of menstrual cups. The size will depend on the age, physical constitution, the amount of the flow or if you have had children by natural birth or not. The problem is that in some cases these specifications do not turn out to be so precise.

2. The menstrual cup is not very easy to put on the first few times

Although the way it is put on is similar to that of the tampon, the first few times it can be a bit uncomfortable to position it properly. Also, if not positioned correctly, there may be a risk of uncomfortable dripping. You have to have a lot of patience to learn how to place it, but the good thing is that once it is achieved, everything begins to become much easier.

3. Investment price

As we discussed earlier, menstrual cups are not the cheapest on the market with respect to the price of other traditional products. This is due to the quality of design and materials. However, it is an investment that can be recovered in a few months.

4. Change and wash the menstrual cup

The menstrual cup is reusable and must be changed after a certain time. This includes washing it with mild soap and water. The problem is that, if you are not at home, this process can become complicated. To avoid this, you can change it before leaving home and wash it right there and not in a public place.

5. Requires more cleaning care

Every month, once your menstrual cycle has ended, it should be disinfected . This is achieved by boiling it in water for 5 minutes, to sterilize it and avoid risks. In addition, each change requires good cleaning of the hands to handle it properly and prevent any internal infection.

6. Discomfort when removing

This container works by vacuum sealing. Some women do not know that it is necessary to pinch the bottom of the product to break the vacuum it creates. Otherwise, the experience of using it will be uncomfortable.

7. Sanitary approval

hands with a menstrual cup

In some countries, some brands of menstrual cups do not have a sanitary registration with the corresponding authorities. It is very important to verify their quality, the manufacturing materials and side effects that they may produce and, more importantly, that they have the necessary approval so as not to harm the health of those who use them.

To keep in mind about the menstrual cup

The menstrual cup is an innovative alternative for women and, to date, it is presented as a risk-free product. Although it has numerous advantages, it is also necessary to know that it is a product that requires a lot of cleaning and knowledge to use it properly.

If you have any questions about it, consult your gynecologist or specialist doctor to see if this product can be useful or not. Although nowadays it is very easy to get a menstrual cup online, for example, it is advisable to buy it in a safe place such as a pharmacy, since this provides guarantees that it is a sanitary product in good condition.

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