Carrot, Coconut And Ginger Bread Recipe For Breakfast

What do you usually breakfast? Carrot bread is more nutritious than a sandwich, more filling than toast with butter and jam and incomparably healthier than any other bread or biscuit you can buy in a market. Discover this inexpensive and practical recipe to prepare at home. It is not only ideal for breakfast, but also for a snack and even as a dessert.

Nothing like a good breakfast

Eating breakfast is essential to start the day with energy and willingness. Any option is better than not doing it, as many people do due to lack of habit or time.

Carrot bread with coconut and ginger will provide you with many of the nutrients you need throughout the day. It also has the advantage that you will have prepared breakfast for the whole week in a while.

Carrot bread: the ideal breakfast

Surely, you may be wondering why carrot bread with coconut and ginger is the ideal breakfast. Well, take note:

  • Thanks to its sweet and smooth taste, carrots can work perfectly as a dessert. It is also a source of beta-carotene, essential nutrients for healthy skin and eyesight.
  • Coconut contains essential fatty acids and gives this homemade bread an exotic touch.
  • For its part, ginger is a beneficial spice for the health of our body, which adds juiciness to this bread.

We suggest you make this recipe with whole wheat flour, to make it more nutritious and satisfying. And if you have a gluten intolerance or want it to be even more digestive, make it with rice flour. In addition, in principle, this recipe is also lactose free. However, you must take care that none of the ingredients that you add are included.

Therefore, it is a bread even easier to digest than the rest. To sweeten it and to keep it healthy, we will use good quality honey or cane sugar. In this sense, it should be borne in mind that today many types of whole sugar are sold, which, in reality, are white sugar with molasses.

Coconut ginger carrot bread recipe


  • 200 g of whole wheat or rice flour
  • 150 g raw carrot
  • 100 g of grated coconut
  • 100 g of cane sugar or honey
  • 4 farm eggs
  • 125 ml of good quality olive oil
  • 2 level tablespoons of ground ginger (30 g)
  • 7 g yeast


  • Wash, peel and grate the carrots. Another option can be to blend them in the blender along with the olive oil.
  • Beat the eggs.
  • Add the sugar (or honey) and powdered ginger. Keep beating.
  • Mix with the carrot and oil.
  • Add the flour little by little, taking care to stir well so that no lumps form.
  • Finally, add the yeast and mix all the ingredients well. If they are too thick, you can add a little vegetable drink or milk.
  • Bake for 30 minutes at 185ºC or until, when pierced, the knife comes out clean.

Variants of this recipe

The recipe for this delicious and healthy sweet bread allows us to substitute some of its ingredients for others that will also delight you. So here are some ideas for you to substitute for carrot, coconut, and ginger. Keep in mind that you will need 250 grams of:

  • Apple, grated almond and cinnamon
  • Banana, grated hazelnut and cocoa
  • Pumpkin and nuts (figs, plums, dates)

In addition, to surprise your guests with a dessert that is also light and healthy, you can top it with a little melted chocolate. Irresistible!

For an even more complete breakfast

If you want to complete this breakfast, we recommend one of the following alternatives. Any of them is as healthy as carrot bread:

  • An infusion that gives you energy: red tea, green tea or rooibos tea
  • A glass of oatmeal, almond or rice vegetable drink
  • A handful of nuts
  • Natural juice
  • A piece of fruit
  • A yogurt

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