Benefits Of Consuming Coconut Water

Coconut water is low in calories and cholesterol, and rich in potassium. For this reason, its intake is usually recommended to rehydrate after physical exercise.

Do you know the virtues of coconut water? This clear liquid is rich in nutrients and could help us alleviate the symptoms of different health disorders. Discover in this article its nutritional values ​​and benefits.

Coconut water is made up of fresh water, light carbohydrates, and sugar. It also contains organic compounds, which would be beneficial to health. For this reason, it is considered one of the best hydrating drinks.

A WebMD article even points out that it would be healthier than sodas and some juices. However, it also points to the need to drink it in moderation due to its high sugar content.

All kinds of properties are attributed to this drink, however many of them do not currently have scientific evidence. Then. We will mention to you what the use of coconut water would be, and whether or not they have scientific studies to support them.


Coconut water.

Contains a large amount of mineral salts. For example, copper, zinc, iron, phosphorus, and potassium. For this reason, it would work as a remineralizer for bones, nails and teeth.

For this reason, its consumption is recommended to growing children, nursing mothers and pregnant women, as well as athletes of course. In fact, different studies have suggested that its rehydrating potential would be higher than that of water.


Due to its content of electrolytes, amino acids and different enzymes, this substance is considered to be an antioxidant. Although studies on this are limited and have not yielded conclusive results, some have pointed out that it could decrease the risk of heart attacks by reducing systolic pressure in people with hypertension.

It must be taken into account that the contribution of nutrients (vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, etc.) and fiber varies according to the type of coconut and its state (how advanced it is, etc.). For this reason, there is still much to investigate in order to specify how it could be more beneficial to health (greener, more mature, more or less meaty …).


Because it is rich in fiber, coconut water would stimulate good intestinal performance. In this sense, it could be an ally for people suffering from colitis, gastric ulcers, stomach weakness and constipation. It would also help us in case of parasite problems. We have not obtained reliable data in this regard.

Other balancing properties

  • It would help us to regulate the levels of body fluids, contributing to the maintenance of the correct blood pressure,
  • It would help relieve stress on the pancreas and the enzyme system.
  • It would improve our mental concentration.
  • It would favor the prevention of headaches.
  • It would keep the natural levels of body fluids and the body well hydrated.

Coconut water as a beauty remedy

Prepare a natural soap for your intimate area

Natural medicine usually recommends the use of coconut water as a beauty tonic to alleviate certain symptoms. Among the main uses are:

  • Coconut water, used as a hair rinse, would prevent and help fight dandruff.
  • Do you have spots on your face? Apply coconut water every night after washing your face. This would help to fade the stains.
  • On the face, it would allow us to keep the skin soft and smooth.
  • Coconut water would help relieve acne, rosacea, scars, stretch marks, and rashes.
  • The minerals and trace elements contained in coconut water would penetrate the skin and regulate the production of sebum without damaging it. In addition, by hydrating and nourishing it, it would also keep it toned and prevent sagging.

Benefits of natural coconut water every day

To obtain all the properties of coconut water, the ideal is to drink it directly from the fruit.  Today we can also buy it. However, we must ensure that it is as natural and pure as possible.

The coconut, being in a preferential position in the palm tree, acts as a natural water filter to reach the center of this fruit. For this reason, the water passes through innumerable fibers that purify it, resulting in this natural drink rich in vitamins and minerals.

Try this remineralizing drink. You can take it at any time. You already know all the supposed virtues of coconut water (proven and those that are still part of popular folklore). If you have any questions about incorporating it into your diet, consult your doctor.

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