9 Properties Of Wormwood For The Health Of Our Liver

Although we can consume it on our own, wormwood is a very powerful plant whose treatment must be controlled by a specialist to avoid complications and in no case will we exceed the 3 months

Wormwood is a little known medicinal plant. However, it should not be missing in our home if we look for a remedy to take care of the health of the liver.

It is essential to take care of this organ to guarantee a good quality of life and prevent diseases.

In this article we share the 9 properties of wormwood to improve liver function and general health.

The liver

The liver is the organ located in the upper right part of the abdominal cavity, below the diaphragm and above the stomach and intestines. In addition, it fulfills vital functions for our body:

  • Detoxification and toxin filter: It collects and eliminates toxins that enter our body through food, pollution, medications, tobacco, etc.
  • Digestion : It metabolizes carbohydrates, proteins and lipids through the secretion of bile.
  • Vitamin reservoir: Stores vitamins A, D, E and K and glycogen.

Next to the liver is the gallbladder which is the reservoir for bile. Therefore, liver and gallbladder work together.


Wormwood or mugwort ( Artemisia absinthium ) is a medicinal plant native to Latin America that also grows, today, in Africa and Europe. Although the properties of wormwood have little scientific evidence, they have been known since ancient times, when it was used for poisoning, for example, by lead.

It can be taken as an infusion from its leaves and flowers, although we can also find it in powder or tincture.

Its main characteristic is its strong bitter taste, which corresponds to the meaning of its name, “without sweetness.”

As a curiosity, with the absinthe moxas are made, a kind of cigarettes that are used in traditional Chinese medicine to apply heat to our body.

In addition, the famous alcoholic beverage known as absinthe is made with this plant.

Hepatic properties of wormwood

Increases the secretion of bile juices

1. Increases the secretion of bile juices

The consumption of wormwood deflates the gallbladder and increases the secretion of bile juices.

This has a positive impact on all its functions.

2. Decongests the liver

Taking infusions of wormwood occasionally helps to decongest the liver and gallbladder and promotes their proper functioning.

3. Eliminate toxins

By decongesting liver function, we help this organ to eliminate toxins more easily.

The liver keeps the blood clean of toxic substances, both those that come from outside and those that our own body generates, such as waste.

If this is not done correctly, many disorders can appear, as well as chronic and degenerative diseases.

4. Improves digestion

To make better digestions

The liver participates in the process of digestion and metabolization of nutrients.

When it does not work correctly we can suffer digestive disorders such as heaviness, heartburn, gas, appetite alterations, etc.

5. Lowers blood sugar levels

High blood sugar levels are very harmful to the pancreas, liver and the body in general. This plant, therefore, is very effective in preventing diabetes, insulin resistance, a very common but still little recognized disorder.

It is essential to control glucose to prevent obesity, high cholesterol and triglycerides, etc.

6. Treat liver failure

To treat liver failure with wormwood, the supervision of a health professional will be essential.

7. Calms liver colic

Colic in the first trimester

This plant is very useful to combat painful biliary or hepatic colic, which happens when there are stones or stones that obstruct the ducts.

8. Fight jaundice

This medicinal plant is also a good remedy for treating jaundice. This disorder is characterized by a yellowing of the skin and mucous membranes due to an increase in bilirubin in the blood.

The origin of this problem is always related to some deficiency of the liver.

9. Other disorders

On the other hand, many other liver-related health disorders can improve how much we take absinthe to activate liver function:

  • Vision problems
  • Itching all over the body
  • Halitosis or bad breath
  • Lack of appetite
  • Some types of migraine


Wormwood is a plant with such powerful healing properties that we must consume it without overdoing it and for limited periods, of a maximum of 3 months.

In case of abuse, it can affect the brain or liver, or cause muscle spasms.

On the other hand, its consumption is not recommended to pregnant or lactating women.

Finally, we must be aware that it is a strong plant, so it should be taken with care and consult with a specialist before use.

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