Why Do I Always Feel Like Urinating?

Constantly wanting to urinate can be a sign that something is wrong with your kidney system. This can result from inadequate hydration and other bad lifestyle habits, but also various disorders.

We will tell you more about this topic below.

Possible reasons why you feel like urinating often

Woman wanting to urinate

1. Do you drink too much water?

Feeling like going to urinate is normal when you drink a lot of water. On the other hand, wanting to go to the bathroom without having ingested enough water can be a sign that something is wrong with your renal system.

When you consume less water, you go to the bathroom less. If this is the case often, then pay attention because lack of adequate hydration can lead to urinary tract problems, such as stones. 

2. You have a small bladder

This common phrase has a bit of truth to it. Just as people can be tall or short, your bladder has its own size.  Most have a capacity of about 2 cups of liquid.

This can be measured by a simple home experiment. All you need to do is grab a container and see if you are passing one to two cups of urine. If the amount is higher or lower than that, it is not very normal.

If you don’t want to do it at home, a lab test can also help.

Have you ever wondered if you can train the bladder to retain more fluid? Yes, when it is full it can stretch, but  it is not healthy to hold urine, since it can cause infections.

3. You have an infection or kidney stones

When you have a urinary tract infection or have small crystalline formations (called kidney stones), it can irritate your bladder. This will make the urge to urinate more frequent.

Kidney stone pain is usually very strong in the back or to the sides. As for urinary tract infections, their classic sign is the urge to urinate very strong and accompanied by pain.

If you do not monitor it and go to your doctor to treat the problem properly, it can get complicated and end up in surgery to remove these small stones.

4. You take medications that make you want to urinate

What you consume can also be the source of your excessive urge to urinate. For example, if you are taking   diuretic medications, which are often used to treat high blood pressure.  

If you have started a treatment and your urge to urinate increased just in those days, consult your doctor. They can look for an alternative medicine that doesn’t have that side effect on you.

5. Diabetes

Blood glucose measurement

How is your diet? Is your weight ideal? Do you exercise The urge to urinate is a classic symptom of diabetes.

When you have insufficient insulin (a hormone that regulates the level of sugar), excess sugar occurs in the blood until there comes a time when  sugar passes into the urine and your urge to urinate considerably increases.

S If that is your problem, you should treat it as soon as possible by going to a healthcare professional.

Strengthen your pelvic floor if you always feel like urinating

The urge to urinate should not be resisted. However, sometimes as soon as you feel the urge to do so, you can hardly hold until you find a bathroom.

To avoid this problem that can lead to urinary incontinence, you can strengthen the muscles of your pelvic floor. 

Kegel exercises, for example, will be of great help. These are done by tightening and releasing the muscles used to stop the flow of urine without moving any other part of the body.

They are also very useful for pregnant women and in the postpartum period. Even your  sex life can benefit from practicing these exercises.

As we have already said, if you notice an excessive urge to urinate, you should go to your doctor to examine you so they can rule out possible infections, stones, bladder problems or diabetes.

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