Masks To Reduce Freckles

We women like to have clean, smooth skin that is free of blemishes, such as acne, scars or freckles. In this particular case, there are many who would like to reduce freckles, while others love to have them and wear them with pride.

In itself, freckles or ephelides are a characteristic that makes its wearer look beautiful and unique. However, if you are one of those who prefer a clean and smooth complexion, you can try one of the following natural masks to attenuate them and over time, perhaps, make them disappear.

What are freckles?

It is important to understand what freckles are, as many women are concerned about their presence. They are only small brown spots that can appear on the skin of the face, arms and shoulders.

They usually develop when we spend a lot of time in the sun and have very sensitive skin. Freckles are the result of the excessive production of melanin in some cells of our skin. This condition is usually genetic.

Many people believe that removing or lightening freckles is impossible. However, with the right care and products, certain improvements can be achieved.


Masks to reduce freckles

According to some experts, lemon is a citrus fruit that could be beneficial in a treatment against freckles and spots caused by the sun.

There is a recipe to make a mask based on this natural product. However, it is important that we always consult with a specialist such as a dermatologist.

Lemon mask

To prepare this mask, you must cut and extract the juice of a lemon. Once we have the juice, we place it in a small container. We take a small amount of lemon mask with a cotton ball or swab and apply it to the areas where we have freckles.

After 15 minutes , the skin should be washed with warm water and mild soap. Then, you have to put a moisturizer with sunscreen.

With lemon we will see effective results in about four weeks, but it is very important to limit sun exposure.

We must also be careful that the lemon mask does not get into the eyes, as this can be very dangerous. The moisturizer is necessary to prevent the skin, which is in contact with the lemon, from drying out.

Strawberries with honey

Strawberry mask with honey to reduce freckles

Strawberries could also be a good option to reduce freckles. Together with honey, it is an optimal combination, although there are no scientific studies to support it.

Strawberry mask with honey

To make the mask, we must cut 4 strawberries into small cubes and add ½ teaspoon of honey. Then we mix until we achieve a uniform mask.

Next, we apply it to freckled skin and let it act for 15 – 20 minutes. Then, we rinse with warm water and mild soap.

This strawberry and honey mask can give us the possibility to reduce freckles and at the same time hydrate the skin.

However, it is important to stay away from the sun’s rays and always use a sunscreen that is at least factor 60. The effects of this mask begin to be seen from the first month.

Aloe vera with peaches

Aloe vera mask with peaches to reduce freckles

The benefits that aloe vera or aloe vera provide to the skin are proven. Scientific studies have proven that it is one of the greatest cell regenerators that nature has given.

Aloe vera and peach mask

To make this mask we need ½ cup of aloe vera gel and a ripe peach. The peach should be cut into small pieces, so that it is easy to create a paste with the aloe vera.

Once we have the mixture well done, we apply it on clean skin, focusing on the areas with freckles. It should be left on for 20 minutes and rinsed off with warm water.

If you have skin that tends to be dry, you can apply a little cream. Otherwise, the mask will leave a very smooth skin. As we noted above, consultation with a dermatologist is always important.

Peach and aloe vera have excellent properties to reduce freckles and reduce damage caused by the sun. This aloe vera and peach mask also has the ability to reduce dryness and close the pores of the skin. In addition, it leaves a rich aroma.

Oatmeal with milk

Oatmeal mask with milk to reduce freckles


Oats are an important source of zinc, among other components. This is a mineral that contributes to the normal maintenance of the skin. This is reported by the Spanish Nutrition Foundation (FEN).

Oatmeal and milk mask

A good option is to prepare an oatmeal and milk mask. For this mask we need 30 grams of natural oat flakes and 4 tablespoons of milk. We place the ingredients in a saucepan or pan and wait for it to boil for about 7 minutes.

When it is ready we turn off the heat and add 3 teaspoons of honey to the mixture. We must mix the ingredients well and wait until it is warm or cold, as preferred.

Subsequently, we apply the oatmeal and milk mask on the areas that have freckles and let it act for 10 minutes. It should be rinsed off with lukewarm water.

This is a very effective and relaxing mask for the skin. Its effects are visible from the first weeks to improve it considerably.

Fruit mask

We can also take advantage of the properties of fruits for our skin.

To make this fruit mask we need 2 teaspoons of honey, 2 strawberries, a slice of papaya, ¼ cucumber and ¼ slice of pineapple. We must get a mixture with the fruits and add the honey.

When it is completely homogeneous, we apply it on dry skin and cover with a towel. We must wait 15 minutes and rinse with warm water.

With this mask, the skin takes advantage of all the benefits of the fruit directly.

We use honey because it can be a bit difficult to keep the mask in place due to the properties of the fruit. After using this mask we must apply a cream with sunscreen and avoid exposure to the sun’s rays.

The care that must be taken to avoid the appearance of freckles

Although many people consider freckles to be a characteristic that brings a certain beauty to those who have them, we also find those who prefer not to have them.

If this is your case, you must remember that freckles appear because of the melanin that our body produces when we are in the sun for a long time.

If you want to prevent them from appearing you should apply a factor 50 or 60 sunscreen every two hours if you are away from home. As well as wearing hats and keeping your skin hydrated.

Consider that each mask takes between 3 and 5 weeks to have visible effects. Therefore, do not be discouraged if you do not see immediate results and consult with your dermatologist.

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