How To Maintain Your Ideal Weight

How many times have we reached our desired weight, but we have not been able to maintain it? You find yourself constantly struggling to maintain your ideal weight without success.

In some cases, this goes beyond not losing weight or not gaining more weight. As this study well points out, those with diabetes must also maintain a healthy body weight.

For this reason, if it is difficult for you to maintain your ideal weight, today you will discover how with a few small keys you can make it remain more or less stable.

Weight problems

To know if we are at our ideal weight we can calculate our Body Mass Index (BMI). Thus, if we measure 170 cm and weigh 60 kilos, we should weigh approximately between 55 and 70.

However, if we are above the BMI we can have health problems that affect the heart, hypertension or that result in a fatty liver.

If our BMI is below the recommended one we can suffer anemia, hair loss, disappearance of menstruation and low blood pressure.

However, there are some problems when using this index. Keep in mind that it is a population measure, but we cannot always trust it when applied to a specific individual. This is because, as we have said, it only takes into account height and weight, but not body fat, for example.

In the case of athletes, the usual thing is that they have a lot of muscle mass and little fat, although their weight and height can be the same as that of a person with a lot of fat and little muscle. When combined with the measurement of body fat or the circumference of the abdomen, the measurement takes on much more value.

Diet for patients with anorexia

If we do not have any weight problems, but we like to maintain ourselves, we should not worry about varying a little. This week we may weigh 60, for the next 63 and in a few days, again 60.

This is normal and should not generate any obsession. However, if we tend to gain or lose weight, it is important to maintain certain habits.

This also applies to all those people who do not have weight problems. Well, the ideal is to feed ourselves in an adequate way to avoid health problems in the future.

Tips to maintain your ideal weight

Here are some tips that may help you maintain your ideal weight. They are not difficult, but they would require a certain perseverance to have the effect you are looking for.

Plan your food diary

If we do not know how to eat correctly, it may be interesting to go to a nutritionist. In addition to certain questions, this professional will prepare a meal plan for us.

However, we can also do this ourselves. We can plan what we will eat throughout the week, thus avoiding eating unhealthy foods or that may affect the weight we are trying to maintain. In this way, we will maintain the daily calorie intake that we need to achieve our goal.

Meal plan

Always exercise

Exercising is very positive for maintaining your ideal weight. However, let’s remember that our meal plan and the calories that we must eat daily will take this aspect into account.

If we do a very intense physical exercise five days a week, we will have to eat many more calories than if we only exercised 3 times or performed moderate exercise.

For this reason, sometimes it is important to have the opinion of a professional, since if we suddenly sign up for spinning when we used to only go for a walk, we may lose weight when, in reality, we want to maintain our weight.

Learn to manage stress

The last of the tips to maintain your ideal weight is to learn to manage stress. The reason for this is that stress can make us gain or lose weight.

Stress can make us fat because it can lead to anxiety about eating sweet foods or not being hungry. This, without a doubt, will prevent us from maintaining our ideal weight.

But, stress can also cause the opposite. A loss of appetite or nausea that prevents us from eating or leads us to skip meals. This prolonged time can lead us to lose weight.

What should we take into account to manage stress? Let’s look at some important points:

  • Sleep well : maintaining a sleep schedule is essential.
  • Enjoy quality leisure : taking time to disconnect by doing something that fulfills us is important.
  • Practice Mindfulness : just 5 minutes a day can change our lives.
  • Go to the psychologist : if we have obsessive thoughts or suffer stress frequently, going to the psychologist can allow us to acquire certain tools to avoid all this.

    Mindfulness at work

    We hope that all these tips allow you to maintain your ideal weight. As we have already mentioned, if this is difficult for you, do not hesitate to go to a professional.

    Nutritionists will help us make a meal plan and allow us to eat in a better way. This will allow us to avoid sudden changes in weight and to feel much healthier.

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