Some Foods That Can Cause Poisoning

Food poisoning is a public health problem that is contracted by eating food contaminated with certain germs or toxic substances. Much of the food poisoning is caused by common bacteria such as staph or Escherichia coli  ( E coli ).

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), it can cause mild to severe symptoms, including stomach cramps, diarrhea, vomiting, fever, and general digestive discomfort. In any case, it requires intervention, as many cases lead to complications that can have fatal outcomes.

Its most common causes are poor hygiene, poor food handling, and poor food storage. In addition, some varieties, due to their composition, cause more risk of poisoning. Next, we will see them in detail.

Foods that can cause poisoning

Through the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) it is also explained to the general population that raw foods of animal origin are the ones most likely to suffer some type of contamination. There is also a risk with fruits and vegetables.

Such contamination can occur at any point in your production process, or through cross contamination when handling them in kitchens. Let’s see in detail which are those foods with a high risk of causing poisoning.

Raw meat and poultry

Both raw meat and poultry are foods with a high risk of causing poisoning if not handled properly. The CDC warns that most raw poultry contain Campylobacter . In addition, they can also contain Salmonella , Clostridium perfringens, and other bacteria.

Meanwhile, raw meats, whether pork or beef, can have Salmonella , E. coli , Yersinia, and other bacteria. Therefore, in both cases washing it prior to cooking is not recommended, as this can spread bacteria. In addition, its complete cooking is essential to kill bacteria.

Raw meat and poultry

Fruits and vegetables

The daily consumption of fruits and vegetables is essential to promote well-being. However, sometimes these foods can have microorganisms such as Salmonella , E. coli and Listeria , which can trigger infections. It is important to choose fresh varieties that are not bruised or damaged.

Likewise, it is advisable to wash your hands well before handling them and also wash food with plenty of water. Washing is even necessary before removing the peel, since some germs can penetrate the inside of the food when cutting it.


Consuming raw or undercooked shellfish is not recommended, as they have a high risk of infection. The CDC advises cooking shellfish to 145 ° F and heating leftover shellfish to 165 ° F. 

On the other hand, according to information compiled in Medlineplus, a page that belongs to the United States National Library of Medicine, contaminated shellfish can, in some cases, lead to serious poisonings such as:

  • Paralytic intoxication: it  usually occurs within thirty minutes after consumption. Symptoms are numbness and tingling in the mouth, which can spread to the arms and legs.
  • Neurotoxic: it is caused by the consumption of contaminated shellfish such as clams or mussels, immediately nausea, vomiting and diarrhea can occur, followed by numbness and tingling in the mouth, among others.
  • Amnesic: it   is the least common form of intoxication. The symptoms are, as in the previous cases, diarrhea, vomiting and nausea, but in addition there is a loss of memory for a short period of time.

The most common causes of these poisonings are that the products have been out of the refrigerator for a long time or have been improperly thawed.


What other foods cause poisoning?

In addition to the foods discussed, which are the main causes of food poisoning, there are other products that also have a risk of contamination. For example, eggs can contain Salmonella. Raw milk can be contaminated with Campylobacter , Cryptosporidium , E. coli , Listeria, and Salmonella .

Are you afraid of food poisoning? Make sure you follow the safety and handling recommendations to reduce the risks. If you notice any symptoms, see your doctor.

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