Effects Of Psychoactive Substances In The Body. Careful!

Psychoactive substances have direct effects on the central nervous system. This can be very harmful to the brain and negatively influence the functioning of certain organs. We tell you more about it.

Psychoactive substances are those that, when entering the body by any route of administration, produce alterations in the central nervous system and can create dependence.

The abuse of these substances can negatively affect the daily routine and affect work, education, family life, among others. In this article, we talk more about its classification and its main effects.

What are psychoactive substances?

As we mentioned, psychoactive substances are those elements that influence the central nervous system. Its main objective is to modify neuronal functioning and any type of activity linked to it.

Although they can also be known by the name of drug, in some areas this name may not be interpreted correctly, taking into account that medicinal products already receive such a name.

Classification of psychoactive substances

Classification of psychoactive substances

According to information from the National Association for Mental Health in the United Kingdom, these substances are classified into four large groups.


This group includes those substances that are responsible for reducing the level of functioning of the central nervous system. When consumed in excess, they are dangerous and addictive.

The person who consumes them may experience the following sensations:

  • Wellness.
  • Relaxation.
  • Possible side effects: anxiety, nightmares, and anger.


Hallucinogenic substances have the ability to alter the perception of reality. However, some countries have legalized its use for medicinal purposes.

The effects of these usually vary depending on the person and appear at different times. Its main effects are as follows:

  • Sudden mood swings
  • Altered sense of space and time.
  • Hallucinations, illusions and distortion of reality.
  • Feelings of insight.
  • Mystical or religious experiences.


As its name indicates, these types of substances are responsible for stimulating the central nervous system to the point of increasing physical and psychological capacities. There are even people who use them to improve various aspects of performance.

Who consumes them can feel:

  • Energetic.
  • Alert.
  • Talkative.
  • Active.
  • Very excited.
  • Possible side effects: its frequent use can cause psychosis and paranoia and even death.

Opium-related pain relievers

Opium has been used since ancient times for recreational and medicinal purposes because its main component is morphine, a powerful analgesic that helps relieve the strongest pain but also generates dependence. 

By consuming it, you may experience the following:

  • A wave of pleasure.
  • Drowsiness.
  • Feeling of dreaming.

Consequences of psychoactive substances on health

Effects of psychoactive substances

Apart from those mentioned,  these types of substances also affect other organs of the body. Based on a publication of the National Institute on Drug Abuse , we will mention a series of effects that psychoactive substances could have on the body.

Cardiovascular problems

In the case of the heart, the veins and arteries can begin to deteriorate, thus increasing the chances of suffering from arrhythmias or cardiac arrest.

Respiratory diseases

With regard to the respiratory tract, people who use substances consumed through smoke, such as marijuana, cocaine paste or the like, are the most affected. These can worsen asthma symptoms, cause bronchitis and other respiratory illnesses.

The argument of those who use marijuana is that it is natural, and they tend to defend it by arguing that it is healthier than tobacco. However, it can cause the same respiratory problems as smoking.

See also: How wrong breathing can affect your health

Gastrointestinal discomfort

Some of these substances can cause nausea and vomiting after being ingested. Opioids, for example, can cause abdominal pain, reflux and, in some cases, constipation.

Neurological effects

All psychoactive substances directly affect the functioning of the brain. However, some can also cause severe damage due to seizures or strokes.

What are the new psychoactive substances?

Finally, it is worth mentioning these substances, which are created synthetically to try to mimic the effects of the drugs described in the previous categories. Among them are synthetic cannabinoids, ketamine, phenethylamines, among others.

Most of these have unknown adverse effects, therefore, trying them can be extremely dangerous.

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