Tips For Quick Cooking With Leftovers From Other Days

Have you ever wondered how to cook leftovers from your meals? They can be the solution to quick cook other succulent recipes in which you may not even realize that we have taken advantage of what was left in the previous meal. In this article 7 delicious proposals to cook quickly and in an original way what you have left over.

Cook your leftovers in no time

Leftovers allow us to have something ready on the days we don’t want to cook. However, we do not usually eat them with the same desire as when we cook it.

With the proposals that we make in this article you can quickly cook 7 different recipes that allow you to take advantage of all kinds of stews of vegetables, legumes, meat or fish. Always have the ingredients you need on hand and solve a meal quickly and creatively.

1. Tortillas and revoltillos

Tortillas and revoltillos

One of the easiest options to quickly cook leftovers  are omelettes and scrambled eggs, excellent to take advantage of, above all, the remains of vegetables, seafood, mushrooms and potatoes.

It will not take you more than 5 minutes to have your omelette or scramble ready and, in addition, the egg will provide you with the protein ration you need so that the meal is complete and balanced. On the other hand, you guarantee a contribution of vitamin D, an important nutrient in the prevention of cardiovascular diseases, according to an article published in 2017.

2. Chickpea crepes

We all know crepes, a delicious recipe that we can fill with sweet or savory leftovers. However, in this article we propose you some even simpler, very original and healthier crepes , since they are made with chickpea flour.

This flour does not need an egg, so we will only have to mix the flour with water and a pinch of salt until we obtain the same liquid and creamy texture of the crepes that we know. Chickpea flour can be found in supermarkets and dietetics. It is suitable for coeliacs, as it does not contain gluten.

3. Asian rolls

Asian rolls

In Asian supermarkets we can find transparent and rigid sheets made with rice, which are used to make rolls with whatever we want, although they are very tasty with the remains of meat or fish and vegetables.

To use them you have to moisten them with water, which gives them a fabric-like texture with which we can wrap the filling. Lastly, these rolls can be fried or baked, and seasoned with sesame and soy sauce. A crunchy delight!

4. Bolognese sauce

Did you have some roast beef left over? Feel free to take advantage of it to make a delicious homemade Bolognese sauce, combining it with tomato sauce and, if you wish, a quick sauce of onion and pepper.

This sauce combines very well with all types of cereal (rice, quinoa, millet, etc.), pasta or legumes, and allows us to have a unique dish that we can accompany with a little salad so that you do not miss anything.

5. Mexican fajitas

Mexican fajitas are a very appetizing recipe that will appeal even to those who don’t have much of an appetite. These fajitas, made with wheat or corn flour, are slightly heated and can be seasoned with a sauce (guacamole, tomato, mayonnaise, spicy, mustard, etc.) and filled with any leftovers.

  • The leftovers that stick the most are chicken, seafood, sautéed vegetables, mushrooms or Russian salad.

6. Puff pastry casseroles

Puff pastry casseroles

Turn any type of leftover, even if you have a small quantity, into a very original and appetizing appetizer with these simple casseroles that are made with puff pastry or breezy dough.

They are sold ready to fill and eat, although they are much tastier if we put a little cheese to gratin on top and bake them a little. We can also fill them with cold leftovers, such as salads or other appetizers that have been left over.

7. Vegetable creams

One of the healthiest and most nutritious options that we have with leftovers and that allow us to cook quickly are creams or purees. When combined with water or broth, and being rich in fiber, they are the ideal option if we are trying to maintain a balanced weight without starving, since they are very satiating and low in calories.

They also contain a large amount of vitamins and antioxidants, necessary to guarantee a correct state of health, according to an article published in the magazine “Molecules”.

  • We recommend creams or purees made with vegetable or meat broth, with vegetables, legumes or rice.

Reuse leftovers instead of throwing them away!

Do you dare to cook your leftovers following these proposals? As you can see, they are interesting ideas to stop wasting your meals. They will also allow you to save time and money.

It is possible to make healthy and satisfying recipes from the organoleptic point of view by following these tips. Don’t forget to combine these recipes with regular physical exercise to help improve your health.

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