Apple And Psyllium Smoothie To Regulate Intestinal Transit

The apple and psyllium smoothie is a drink that can help us regulate intestinal transit in a simple but effective way. It also favors the relief of general stomach discomforts, such as poor digestion due to copious intake, for example.

The best thing about this drink is that, in addition to helping us take care of our health, it is delicious, so it will be very easy to include it in our diet. Let’s see more below.

Apple and psyllium smoothie: regulating intestinal transit is gaining health

The intestine is a fundamental organ in health, since it is responsible for eliminating waste, which not only does not provide nutrients, but could be harmful to the body if we do not expel them correctly.

A poor bowel function is related, long – term, disease onset chronic and degenerative and even skin problems. For this reason, it is essential to take care of this organ.

This care can be carried out in a very natural way, even if we do not have any problems. In this sense, the apple and psyllium smoothie is a good option.

The apple for our intestinal microbiota


The apple is a fruit with multiple health benefits, given its components. We propose it as the main ingredient for this shake because the fiber it contains helps regulate intestinal transit.

Fiber helps us take care of our intestinal microbiota, that is, of the microorganisms in our intestine. Alterations in the balance of this flora are related to the development of some diseases, such as obesity or gastrointestinal disorders.

Therefore, it is essential that we protect it and in that sense, as we have said, fiber can be our ally. Thus, we will include foods rich in it in our diet, starting with the apple.

It is also important that we bear in mind that most of this substance is found in its peel, therefore:

  • In cases of diarrhea and irritable bowel: we will use the peeled apple.
  • In case of constipation: we will use the apple with its peel.

To go a little further, the apple is one of the richest fruits in a type of soluble fiber known as pectin. In this sense, researchers from the National University of Colombia carried out a study to evaluate the mechanisms of action of this type of fiber.

Finally, they concluded that it is capable of influencing some digestive enzymes, favoring digestion, especially that of lipids. In this way, the apple can help us improve bowel movements and facilitate evacuation.

Psyllium for our cardiovascular health


Psyllium or psyllium is an herb whose seeds and peel are often used due to its fiber content. This shell is mixed with the water and, in about a minute, it becomes a gelatinous liquid that we can drink on an empty stomach, alone or in a smoothie, as in the following recipe.

In fact, it has been used in traditional medicine to relieve digestive problems such as diarrhea or constipation. Likewise, it is also usually recommended in cases of hemorrhoids or anal fissures, to facilitate evacuation and make it less painful.

On the other hand, a study published in the nutrition journal Nutrients showed the benefits of fiber, particularly psyllium, when it comes to preventing and protecting against cardiovascular problems. Some of the ailments cited in the article include coronary artery disease or diabetes.

Therefore, through the intake of psyllium, we will not only be improving our intestinal transit, but we will also be taking care of our cardiovascular health.

Apple psyllium smoothie recipe


  • 2 apples (preferably organic).
  • 1 glass of water (250 ml).
  • 2 teaspoons of psyllium (10 g).
  • 1 teaspoon of olive, flax or coconut oil from the first cold pressure (5 g).
  • Optional: honey (to taste).


  • First, we will put the psyllium in half a glass of water (100 ml) and let it rest for a minute.
  • Next, we will beat the rest of the water with the apples and the oil. If we want it sweeter, we can add honey.
  • Finally, we will mix the two drinks with a spoon and we will have the shake ready.

Apple psyllium smoothie

When to have this apple psyllium smoothie?

An advisable time of the day to take this shake can be first thing in the morning to start the day well and help our intestines to work well early. However, there is really no specific time, so we can also take it in the middle of the morning, in the middle of the afternoon or before going to bed.

Where to find other sources of fiber?

Let’s not forget that, in addition to drinking this apple and psyllium smoothie, it is essential to consume fresh and cooked vegetable foods every day, which are what provide us with a large amount of fiber, as well as whole grains, nuts and seeds.

And it is that it will be useless to consume this rich apple and psyllium smoothie to regulate our intestinal transit, but we accompany it with a balanced diet. This must be rich in fruits, vegetables and healthy fats, and poor in refined foods and sugars, which do not help our digestive system.

It is also important to bear in mind that when we begin to consume more fiber, we will have to drink more water, both at meals and outside of them, to facilitate its assimilation and not to cause more constipation.

The first days we may notice a little bloating or gas. This happens because the body is adapting to the new diet. In a short time we will notice improvement and these discomforts will disappear.

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