FDA Approves Migraine Prevention Drug

Only migraine sufferers can describe the intensity of their symptoms and how distressing it can be to see life interrupted by this silent condition. A new option could appear for its prevention, which represents a very encouraging figure for millions of people.

An innovative drug to prevent migraine was recently approved by the United States Food and Drug Administration, known as the FDA.

These are injections that have the ability to prevent migraines and are applied monthly. His name is Aimovig, although it is generically referred to as erenumab.

Importance of preventing migraine

Adding options to treat migraine offers solutions for those who know the distressing effects of this condition.


Although it may seem incomprehensible to many, having to shut yourself up in a dark room and in silence to mitigate the excruciating pain is a horrifying situation.

Such is the severity of migraine that the World Health Organization declared it a disabling disease in 2012. Until then, sufferers had to endure accusations for missing their commitments due to “simple headaches.” Nothing further from reality.

This disease has an important genetic root; in fact, it mostly affects women. That is to say, it is not born due to certain lifestyle habits or stress. For this reason, migraine prevention is the best alternative to deal with it.

How does Aimovig work?

The results of this wonderful drug were presented at the annual meeting of the American Academy of Neurology.

Basically, according to the specialized digital journal IFL Science, its main benefit is that it prevents the appearance of migraine instead of attacking it once it has already occurred.

It was noted at this event that its effect is so long-lasting that it can be applied on a monthly basis and no pills are even necessary. A monthly injection of 70 to 140 milligrams is enough. This dose blocks the molecules that transmit the signals of migraine, which are what cause the intense pain characteristic of this disease.

Side effects and cost

Woman taking a pill

According to specialized medical publications, the side effects of these drugs are very low. However, its benefits are not guaranteed to all patients equally.

In the research presented, a third of those taking drugs showed significant improvements. Only a few stated that the symptoms stopped completely and finally, several of them expressed that the palliative effects were less potent.

Not very accessible

Unfortunately, we must also inform that not everything is rosy. Its cost is high, so it will not be easy for those who do not have social coverage to access them.

The company that makes it, Amgen, announced that the cost of each injection is $575.

In Europe, meanwhile, the European Medicines Agency is evaluating the approval of this drug. If your income were enabled, the value would depend on negotiations between Amgen and the public health systems.

In a statement, the American company defended the high value of its product, arguing that it will have a very positive impact for both patients and health professionals.

The positive financial implications that such a treatment would generate for all these actors are expressed here.

Medicines to prevent migraine

Of course, this is not the first alternative to prevent migraine headaches. There are other methods previously approved by the FDA, such as the drugs methysergide, propanolol, timolol, and divalproex sodium.

However, its use can have side effects; therefore, it is essential that a doctor evaluate your results to adjust the dose or stop the medication if necessary.

Migraine Facts and Numbers

Migraine causes severe headaches.

Migraine symptoms, which include nausea, light sensitivity and shooting pains in the skull, affect more than 10% of the European population. What’s more, more than 1% of them suffer from them at least once every three days.

Many of them are able to treat these symptoms with conventional and even homemade medications. But there are also those who see their daily lives seriously affected by the negative effects of this disease on their mood.

Some facts to consider about this disease:

  • It affects 1 in 10 people.
  • It usually appears after the age of 20, but children can also suffer from it.
  • There are several types, which differ according to the area of ​​the brain that they attack.
  • The most serious and intense is neuralgic migraine.
  • Although the cause is genetic, the trigger can be any internal or external stimulus. It is advisable to keep a record of possible origins of migraine episodes.

For all the above, and also considering the millions of people who suffer from this disease around the world, it is encouraging to reduce these numbers, albeit little by little.

If alternatives like Aimovig continue to emerge, surely thousands of individuals will live better.

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