10 Ways To Take Advantage Of Coconut Oil

Coconut oil is a product that can be used in various ways in the field of body care and beauty. It is much less aggressive than many cosmetics, and its smooth texture and pleasant aroma make it an excellent option. 

For years, it was thought that its consumption could be harmful to the body due to its high content of saturated fat; however, over time, its fatty acids were found to be medium chain and very easily digested.

For this reason, various investigations show samples that are positive in the use of coconut oil, such as this study, which explains, in detail and in graphs, the composition that provides the benefits.

However, there are still discrepancies regarding the benefits of its use in the kitchen, here are 10 ways to take advantage of it in your personal care routine.

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10 ways to take advantage of coconut oil

Before starting this top 10, it is important to note that these tips obey, in a direct way, the knowledge of popular wisdom, and that to date, there is no scientific data that supports these uses, or at least, not all that we will show you below.

However, different blogs, videos and recommendations can be obtained from some people who have decided to include the oil as part of their daily use and who often show its advantages and benefits.

Then let’s get started:

1. Make-up remover

Make-up remover

It is believed that, being a 100% natural oil, it can be used as an alternative makeup remover. Its compounds hydrate the skin while completely shedding the paint. And being rich in vitamin E, you will not find a better ally for your beauty.

How to use?

  • Soak a cotton ball with the oil and rub it all over your face until no makeup remains.

It may interest you: How to make your own homemade makeup removers

2. Ear infections

This use could always be applied under medical supervision. It is said that, due to its antiseptic and antibacterial qualities, you can use it as a home remedy to fight ear infections. Of course, always in conjunction with the treatment prescribed with the doctor, never as an exclusive treatment.

How to use?

  • If your doctor authorizes it, apply a couple of drops of the oil in the affected ear and repeat its use until the condition is alleviated.

3. Facial scrub

To remove dead skin cells and give it a smooth, luminous and renewed appearance, it is believed that you can prepare the following natural scrub.

brown sugar sweetbeetandgreebean


  • 1 tablespoon of brown sugar (10 g).
  • 3 teaspoons of coconut oil (15 g).
  • 1 teaspoon of oatmeal (5 g).

How to use?

  • Prepare a thick paste combining all the ingredients and apply them with a gentle circular massage all over the face.
  • Leave it on for 5 minutes and rinse.
  • Use it 2 times a week.

4. Yeast infections

To combat athlete’s foot or other fungal skin infections, just apply coconut oil frequently. It is important to note that it can be used to support some treatment previously prescribed by a professional

How to use?

  • Every night, before going to sleep, massage the affected area with coconut oil.
  • Use it until the infection clears.

5. Facial and body moisturizer

Coconut oil

Because of its nutritional qualities, coconut oil is listed as one of the best moisturizers for the skin. Its active compounds help stop the action of free radicals and prevent the early appearance of wrinkles.

How to use?

  • Take a small amount of the product and rub it with a light massage on the areas you want to hydrate.
  • Use it as a substitute for body creams.

6. Cold sores

Direct application of coconut oil could act as a healing agent for cold sores and other infections that compromise the mouth.


  • 1 teaspoon of coconut oil (5 g).
  • 1 teaspoon of oregano essential oil (5 g).

How to use?

  • Combine the two oils and rub them on the affected area when you feel the first symptoms of herpes.

7. Lip balm


Extra virgin coconut oil is an excellent balm to hydrate your lips and get rid of dead skin cells that cause dryness.

How to use?

  • Apply a small amount of the oil to your lips with your fingertips.
  • If it is a sunny day, use it several times during the day.

8. Does it reduce your appetite?

Perhaps this is the use that requires the most care, since there is no scientific evidence to support it so far. This food is considered as a supplement to weight loss diets, since its fats are easily metabolized and provides a feeling of satiety that prevents excessive intake of other foods that can make us gain weight.

How to use?

  • Consuming a daily teaspoon of the oil is sufficient for this benefit.
  • You can add it in different recipes or drinks.

9. Cuticle cream

In order for the nails to remain healthy and beautiful, it is essential to keep the cuticles hydrated. Coconut oil is very easily absorbed and represents a great alternative to the moisturizers that are sold on the market.

How to use?

  • Rub a small amount of the product on dry cuticles.

10. Hair conditioner


Another of its cosmetic applications has to do with hair health. Its properties are believed to help prevent dandruff, scalp irritations, and hair loss. 

Likewise, popular wisdom says that it could be a treatment for dryness and replaces the natural oils that are lost through exposure to the sun and the elements of heat. In addition, it acts as a natural conditioner and leaves hair shiny and frizz-free for longer.

How to use?

  • Massage the oil all over your scalp and hair, at least one hour before your usual rinsing.
  • Use it three times a week.

Go ahead and use it!

As you can see, this ingredient can make your life easier. You can get it in herbal stores and even in some supermarkets. Don’t stop trying it!

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