A Homemade Mask For Oily Skin With Acne Or Pimples

Today we offer you a homemade mask for oily skin. In this type of skin it is important to maintain a daily cleaning, at least in the morning and at night with a neutral PH soap. This is what the experts advise.

Oily skin usually appears, especially when there are hormonal changes. In addition, it is also one of the consequences of bad eating habits and stress.

On the other hand, oily skin can present a host of problems. The most common are eczema, acne, wrinkles and blemishes.

In the case of oily skin, it is not convenient to use just any towel to wash your face. For example, if we use the towel that we use to wash our hands, we will be dragging the fat from our hands to the towel and from there to our face. It is advisable to always dry the face with paper so as not to add more fat.

Next, we present a homemade mask for oily skin, thanks to which you can control the health of the skin if it has an acne tendency or the appearance of pimples.

It is important to apply it at night and, as it is not aggressive, it can be used often.

Mask for oily home

Homemade mask for oily skin

The homemade mask for oily skin will contain the following ingredients:

  • Milk
  • Fresh yeast (like a lozenge or taco)

How to use

  • First, put the yeast in a bowl and add warm milk. Mix until obtaining a homogeneous cream.
  • Then, with a clean face, apply the product with a brush.
  • Once applied, let it dry for twenty minutes.
  • Afterwards, rinse the face with circular movements with hot water.
  • Finally, wash your face with cold water and pat dry.

The face is the first thing that represents us when we are in front of someone. It is one of the first impressions they have of us. With this mask, you will help improve your appearance. However, you should not forget that the best way to combat oily skin is through a balanced diet and physical exercise.

If your skin does not improve, we recommend you go to a specialist, he can make a specific diagnosis and prescribe the most appropriate treatment for your problem.

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